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Tarim Inavule was a bardic half-elf Harper agent in Cormyr during the mid-1480s DR.[1][note 1]

Why, hullo! We're hot on the trail, aren't we? When Jussko heard all you'd learned, he set off at once for Druid's Deep. Said you should follow when you could.
— Tarim[1]


Tarim had ruddy skin and shoulder-length straw-yellow hair. He wore a dashing purple outfit and carried a lute.[1]


The fellow was rather laid-back and relaxed for the life-and-death situations he found himself in.[1]


Tarim's already begun composing his 'Song of Druid's Deep,' you know.
You've done it, then! Defeated Halsaime, broken his curse! What a fine song that will make by a tavern fire! The Song of Druid's Deep, I'll call it!
— Tarim[1]

After the Shadovar invasion of Wheloon and during the Sschindylryn invasion of Eveningstar, Tarim arrived in Eveningstar with fellow Harpers Kirinel Zay and Jussko Kwahn, disguised as a group of typical travelers, to follow Oriphaun Huntsilver and his Abyssal Planus Mechanus Nether Scroll. Tarim, Kirinel, and Jussko pursued a lead on Oriphaun's friendship with the druid Halsaime, with the Evenor ranger Peron Uthe serving as a connection to the druid. Meanwhile, another team of Harpers led by Rina Belostos followed a different trail, sending them up the High Road.

Unfortunately, by the time they arrived Halsaime had been driven to violent madness by his staff and set about conquering the world with his twisted version of nature. The ranger Peron Uthe had been infected and turned into a red musk zombie and caused a disaster at the Eveningstar War Hospital, and his home Uthe Lodge became an overgrown lair of the murderous dryad Sylvie. Jussko returned from a scouting mission there where he met adventurers, who were then referred to Kirinel and Tarim as they focused on neutralizing Halsaime before he could cause more damage.[1]

The hirelings and Garstrom Toom scouted out Thorngap and Thorn Hollow, finding more maddened druids and their victim Carm Woodrusk, who shared that Halsaime's lair was at Druid's Deep, found by being "a wolf, then a fish, then a bear." Pondering these words, Tarim organized the final mission with Jussko as he sent the team to find Halsaime. Luck was with them, and the mad druid was taken down before he could cause any more harm. Tarim planned to compose a song about the heroic events, titled The Song of Druid's Deep.[1]



  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


