Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Tasha's Atrocious Robe was a unique enchanted robe, created by the planeswalking enchantress Tasha from the world of Greyhawk.[1]


Tasha's robe possessed a +1 enchantment and granted the wearer increased protection against mundane and magical threats. Additionally, the wearer of Tasha's Atrocious Robe became proficient in arcane defense against enchantment school of magic and was granted the knowledge and abilities necessary to master enchantment spell focus.[1]


Despite Tasha being renowned on Toril for her spell that caused uncontrollable laughter, she also created this lesser-known magical robe. Tasha's Atrocious Robe was acquired by a planeswalker from Westgate known only as Mintassan the Magnificent and brought to Toril. The eccentric wizard added Tasha's enchanted outfit to his collection, available to be viewed with some items in it available for purchase at Mintassan's Mysteries store in Westgate's Market Triangle. The robe was still there as of the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate

