Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Temple of Gond in Port Nyanzaru, Chult, was a place of worship dedicated to Gond, worshiped as the god of crafting.[1][2]


The temple lay in Port Nyanzaru's Merchants' Ward between the eastern foot of Temple Hill and the Royal Docks.[1][3]


It was a boxy structure of stone. In place of a traditional forge, the temple had an immense fountain as its centerpiece. This fountain took advantage of Port Nyanzaru's naturally high water pressure passing through nozzles and valves to create jets of water that constantly shifted and formed intricate shapes.[1]


In the century following the disappearance of Ubtao, Gond became one of the more popular Faerûnian gods among the people of Port Nyanzaru,[2] notably its many artisans, craftspeople, hydro-engineers, ivory carvers, and smiths.[1] By the late 15th century DR, foreign preachers were no longer widely welcome in the city, owing to a history of exploitation, and so the Gondar priesthood had came to be composed of native Chultans.[2]



