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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Temple of Saigai was an enigmatic and antediluvian structure, dedicated to some obscure deity by a forgotten people, found within the remote Yu' I province of Shou Lung, neighboring Tabot.[1]


Found not far from the garrison town of Taichan, it lay deep in the cold mountain forests of the province and dominated the frozen High Pass.[1]


The temple was colossal and cyclopean in construction, built of huge and roughly squared stone blocks. The outer walls were inscribed with characters of a strange script known only to well-read wu jen.[1]


The inner walls were even more disturbing—they were covered in carved images of weird creatures that appeared neither humanoid nor beast but something in between.[1]


The identities of those who built the Temple of Saigai, and of who, or what, it was devoted to were lost to history by Shou Year 2607 (1357 DR). A description of the place, already long abandoned, was given in ancient Tabotan records that were some 8,000 years old by that time, suggesting it was far older than even that. As far as any Kara-Turan history knew, it had simply always been there.[1]

Rumors & Legends[]

The local Yu people believed the whole High Pass, the Temple of Saigai included, was the lair of a horrifying evil.[1]


