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The Temple of the Yuir Gods was an ancient temple found in the Yuirwood that was transported away from the Prime Material plane to the Feywild.[1] It was a place of worship dedicated to the Yuir pantheon.[2]


The temple was formed out of group of trees that stood upon a hill in the Yuirwood.[1]


The entrance hall of the temple was adorned with four, uniquely crafted, statues of the old Yuir gods: Elikarashae, Magnar the Bear, Zandilar the Dancer, and Relkath of the Infinite Branches. These statues appeared not be crafted from stone or metal, but rather grown upward from the temple's floor.[2]

Just beyond the entranceway was the temple's ossuary.[2] Within the heart of the temple was the thrice-twined tree.[3]


Motes of light floated throughout the temple, providing ample illumination within.[4]


The star elves of the Yuirwood used the temple as a place of worship, but also as the holy site within which they could inter their dead.[2]


Some time circa the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR,[note 1] the cult of Voldini uncovered the ancient fey document, the Tome of Twilight Boughs, which outlined a ritual that could bring back the temple to Toril.[1] They had the ultimate goal of returning the Yuir pantheon to prominence in the Realms.[2]

The cultists led by Berrain Truescourge ultimately proved successful in their efforts, and completed the ritual,[5] inadvertently corrupting nearby fey, such as pixies and dryads, in the Yuirwood.[6]

The same night the temple returned, a group of adventurers returned the temple to the Feywild and protected the fey of the Yuirwood from utter corruption. They accomplished this feat by implanting a crystal imbued life force of a noble fey that sacrificed their life, within the temple's thrice-twined tree.[3]


Notable Inhabitants[]

  • Nimiwi, a dryad who was seperated from her tree when the temple transported to the Feywild.[2]



  1. Unless otherwise stated, all Forgotten Realms content released as part of 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons is assumed to take place in 1479 DR.


Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Bill W. Baldwin (September 2008). Lost Temple of the Fey Gods (AGLA1-1). Living Forgotten Realms (RPGA), p. 4.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Bill W. Baldwin (September 2008). Lost Temple of the Fey Gods (AGLA1-1). Living Forgotten Realms (RPGA), p. 21.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bill W. Baldwin (September 2008). Lost Temple of the Fey Gods (AGLA1-1). Living Forgotten Realms (RPGA), pp. 22–23.
  4. Bill W. Baldwin (September 2008). Lost Temple of the Fey Gods (AGLA1-1). Living Forgotten Realms (RPGA), p. 17.
  5. Bill W. Baldwin (September 2008). Lost Temple of the Fey Gods (AGLA1-1). Living Forgotten Realms (RPGA), p. 13.
  6. Bill W. Baldwin (September 2008). Lost Temple of the Fey Gods (AGLA1-1). Living Forgotten Realms (RPGA), p. 8.