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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Thaliach Mindogar was a young cleric of Chauntea in Archendale in 1370 DR.[1]

While the Swords worry about the rot in the Darkwater Brand, the true weakness at the heart of Archendale sits at a map table in the inner sanctom of the house of Chauntea in Archenbridge and fancies himself a behind-the-scenes world power.
—  Elminster, talking about Thaliach[1]


Thaliach managed the temple of Chauntea in Archendale, the Bounty of the Goddess. He used the temple to manage a network of small businesses.[1]


Thaliach was a young, energetic, and ambitious priest who wanted to restore the faith of Chauntea in the dale to show his abilities. He had the idea of creating a business to impress the mercantile inhabitants of the dale. Thaliach was rather a sickly and slim fanatic. He liked collecting maps.[1]


