Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Ale and Rabbit was an inn and bathhouse in the halfling village of Shining Falls in the Delimbiyr Vale in the 14th century DR.[1]


It was one of the biggest and tallest buildings in the small village.[1]



The only inn in the last village up the Delimbiyr River, The Ale and Rabbit served the majority of inhabitants. It was also the last stop for the trappers and explorers that went north, and probably the first for those that returned.[1]


Guests could stay the night in the large common room for 5 sp or in a pricey private room for 3 gp. The inn also provided several baths; these were free with an overnight stay or could be rented separately for 5 sp.[1] However, the rooms were, of course, a little on the small side.[2]

As the name suggested, the menu was limited: there was ale, and rabbit. However, being halflings, the food was delicious.[1]


