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The Code of the Harpers is a 2nd-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons accessory for the Forgotten Realms.

From the storm-lashed rocks west of fabled Evermeet to the Plains of Purple Dust, all the folk of Faerûn have heard of the Harpers.

Noble fools, some call them. Crazy, misguided meddlers, others say. Still others disagree. “The one true hope of the Realms,” said one princess. “A shining light in the darkness of our lives,” agreed a sage, “pray that it never goes out.”

Just who are these mysterious, wandering folk who wear silver harp pins and walk softly in the most dangerous shadows of the Realms?

This book reveals the secrets, rules, and magic of the Harpers, including:

  • Harpers Runes
  • Harper Magic
  • The long, colorful History of the Harpers
  • Their evil Foes
  • Their special Allies
  • The fabled High Heralds
  • What Harpers Do
    • Harper Haunts: their strongholds, and the Harpers who (literally) haunt them!
    • Joining the Harpers, and how to become a True Harper and a Master Harper...
...And more, from favorite Harper ballads to detailed Harper NPCs. This is a sourcebook you'll turn to again and again. It lays bare the warring power groups who work behind the scenes in Faerûn; no FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign is complete without it!.


The Code of the Harpers provides detailed information about the Harpers, their philosophy, and their operations within Faerûn.

The accessory explores the philosophy and values of the Harpers in great detail. It explores their motivations, ethics, and the principles that guide their actions, emphasizing the organization's commitment to maintaining balance, protecting the innocent, and opposing tyranny and evil.

It provides a historical overview of the Harpers, tracing their origins and development throughout the history of the Realms. It sheds light on key figures, major events, and the organization's evolution.

The Code of the Harpers describes the internal structure of the Harpers, including their hierarchy, leadership, and how members are initiated into the organization. It explains how individuals can become members of the Harpers and the requirements for joining the organization. It discusses the challenges and benefits of being a Harper. It also includes profiles of notable Harpers.

It introduces various magical items, relics, and lore associated with the organization. These items can be used to enhance gameplay and provide characters with unique tools.

The accessory offers adventure hooks, plot ideas, and campaign suggestions for Dungeon Masters interested in incorporating the Harpers into their campaigns. These ideas often revolve around the Harpers' missions and efforts to thwart various threats.


  • The Code of the Harpers
  • Harper Runes
  • The History of the Harpers
  • The Harpers Today
  • Master Harpers
  • The Senior Harpers
  • Harper Heroes
  • Some Selected Harpers
  • The High Heralds
  • Harper Allies
  • Harper Haunts
  • Harper Magic: Spells
  • Harper Magic: Magical Items
  • Foes of the Harpers
  • Joining the Harpers
  • Harper Ballads


Click here for page index


Ailadrea Star-in-mistAlbaeryl TanthlynAlitherAlisanda RayburtonAlthune DembrarAluena HalacanterAlustrielAlyniriaAmnestriaArilyn MoonbladeArltan of the Silver SwordArtus CimberAsilther GraelorAudara ImrythAzounBaeraunt OskBaldaster ThornBeldar OberleeBeldara LaeruneBelhuar ThantarthBensyl IyrivvinBethildritarBhellobir HillBlentra WhaelbucklerBran SkorlsunBrenna GraycloakCaledan CaldorienChesslyn OnaubraCormikCylyria DragonbreastDanilo ThannDaerthglara ShyndDarblin MelorinroseDelthyr IoghDhalmass RayburtonDove FalconhandEaerlraun ShadowlynElminsterFflindar OrmwyndFinder WyvernspurFlamatanda SnowbowFurbelow TrundlestumpGalvinGalzeth OrlyndGarstul HathcanterGglaerthus IrymmGhaddarondas RimmondGhost of Berun's HillHalthara SummergarthHelmir ObersaerHonglyn OmblestaffIbn EngarukaIniarv the ManyhandedJalyp QuizzinglasJhandess MillomyrJhaunsyr SunderhelmJoser MinstrelwishJuldin StoutbottleKesmer Red-EyedKhalond SsavarrKhelben ArunsunKhondal BoarsyrKhytor MoramuKymil NimesinKythsara SteelwoodLaeral SilverhandLanderLashan AumersairLightal BarnshynLiriel NightstarLoaber PlashdeepMaalthiirMaerpir TcharMaldethManshoonMaralenMari Al'marenMaxanMerlarea TalesspurMestrel HawkmantleMezrin ShundulkMintiper MoonsilverMirtMithrin CelentriarMyrmeen LhalNaerthiiya AsuantlarNarm TamaraithNathlin GlaraghNoura MoramuObslin MinstrelwishOelin BoldnoseOlive RuskettleOngalath BristleburOpara RendrilOrmsel EltunarrOrsar FoxwindRandal MornReisz RoudabushRundleth TalhartSeldemer IronspurShammagarShandril ShessairSharanralee CrownstarSheenra DuthSladara LongquaffSteeleyeStorm SilverhandSzass TamTabara GraywinterTamper TencoinTamshanTanshiver BrynleafTanthlin StarshannTarnshar StormravenTassoram • Lord TharlonThe SimbulTonthiir BloodhornsTrackerUlblyn BlackalbuckVaerana HawklynWaevor TalaphinWhisperWynterYanseldaraZonder Melaeyn


black dragonbronze dragoncentaurdrowdryadghoulowlbearspectral harpistswanmayvampire
Referenced only
Nehwon ghoul


Company of the Striking HawkCompany of the Blue BroadaxeCult of the DragonKnights of Myth DrannorLords of WaterdeepMoonlight MenOrder of the Silver MoonPirates of the Fallen StarsRed Wizards of ThayShining Shield BandWood-Riders of TurlangZhentarim


Buildings & Sites
Battle of Bones • The Dancing PlaceHarper HallHellgate KeepHouse of the HarpMoongleam TowerPrince and Pauper (Iriaebor)Tunstone PassTwilight Hall
AglarondAlmorelAltumbelAmnArchenbridgeArchendaleAthkatlaBaldur's GateBattledaleBerduskCalauntCalimportCalimshanCormyrCorthDaerlunElturelElventreeEssembraEverlundEvermeetGlittering SpiresGolden WayHillsfarIriaeborLuskanLyrabarMourativi Teshu MirMulhessenMurghomMyratmaMyth DrannorNeverwinterOrdulinPort KirPort CastigliarProcampurRashemenRuathymSaerbScardaleSecomberSembiaShadowdaleSilverymoonSkaugSpandeliyonSundabarSuzailTelflammTethyrThayWaterdeepWestgateWestwoodYhaunnZhentil Keep
Fallen LandsKara-TurSword CoastThe Vast
AnaurochArdeep ForestChultDesert's EdgeDragon ReachEarthfast MountainsFar HillsFire RiverFlooded ForestHigh ForestIcelace LakeLake of MistsPurple HillsRiver LisStormsword MountainsTall TreesThunder Peaks


Arilyn's moonbladeAzlaer's harpBard's bladeDove's harpDunzrin's harpElminster's eversmoking pipeEsheen's harpGaudle's rod of ringsgreenstone amuletHarper pinJanthra's harpJhannyl's wristletJolora's harpMethild's harpNinthalor's harpPheljara's wandphilter of timely invulnerabilitypotion of songRhingalade's harpring of projectionring of twilightRing of Winterrod of grasping handsscroll of the Harpersscroll of xornformshield of shadowssinging swordstaff of raging battlestaff of wanderersTallar's harpThe Gray Book of Mysteriesvest of shadowswand of weaponswandering starZunzalor's harp
BlackstaffLaeral's aqueous columntransforming tune





  • Design: Ed Greenwood
  • Editing: Mike Breault
  • Interior Art: Scott Rosema
  • Production: Gaye O'Keefe
  • Cover Art: Jeff Easley


See Also[]

External links[]


  1. Shannon Appelcline. FOR4 The Code of the Harpers (2e). Dungeon Masters Guild. Retrieved on 2013-11-14.
  2. Ed Greenwood (September 1993). The Code of the Harpers. Edited by Mike Breault. (TSR, Inc.), p. 37. ISBN 1-56076-644-1.