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The Merry Shorthorn was an enchanted musical instrument believed to be the most well-traveled magic item in Faerûn.[1]


Despite its rich history, The Merry Shorthorn possessed minor magical power. Once per day, the instrument could be played to cast bless on the player and their allies.[1]


Long before the Year of the Cold Soul, 1281 DR, The Merry Shorthorn belonged to Prophia Copperfire, a traveling half-elf bard of some renown. She carried the instrument with her across Faerûn, and some even claimed the flute accompanied its mistress to the Elemental planes, Elysium, and even Baator. She was known to have traveled across the Spine of the World and reached the distant Wa. The Merry Shorthorn was used to entertain pashas of Calimshan, soften hearts of angry holy slayers in Zakhara, and was sung along by boisterous sailors of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Subsequently, the The Merry Shorthorn was lost somewhere in the hot sands Anauroch.

By 1281 DR, The Merry Shorthorn made its way to the Spine of the World and into the hands of Uligar, orc chef of the Bleeding Eye tribe. When he was slain in the Kuldahar Pass, the instrument changed owners once again.[2] And by Mirtul of the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR, The Merry Shorthorn was in the hands of savage members of the Legion of the Chimera who menaced the Icewind Dale.[1]



Video Games
Icewind Dale series (Icewind DaleIcewind Dale II)

