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The Pirate Who Would be King was a book that told the story of Avagard the Black of Zhentil Keep.[1]


The Pirate Who Would be King was a popular tavern tale heard across the Moonsea region. It followed the life of Avagard the Black, a minor nobleman from Zhentil Keep who was said to be disheartened by the disproportional wealth among the residents of the Keep. He committed his life to remedying the class divide by taking to piracy.[1]

A charismatic leader, Avagard, quickly assembled a loyal crew. The new captain's infamy spread across the Moonsea, and other pirates started to see the newcomer as an inspiration rather than an adversary. Avagard's views of a brighter future, equality, outlawed slavery, and rulership by the people's will, led many of his fellow pirates to consider him their king. Avagard's leadership lasted for several decades as he led the illicit fleet to attack vessels from Zhentil Keep, Mulmaster, and Melvaunt. Many gossiped about the pirate king who sailed a wraith ship that could appear and disappear on a whim.[1]

Eventually, the Zhentarim grew tired of having their vessels sunk and agents killed. Manxam, the Tyrant of Teshwave, and his army of fellow beholders were paid by the Zhents to track Avagard. When the aberrant orb army confronted the pirate king, they unleashed countless rays that left nothing behind but ash swirling in the sea breeze.[1]

The book concluded the pirate king's story with speculations that he somehow managed to survive the beholder ambush and escaped being incinerated by their fell magics. Some hoped Avagard was hiding, planning eventual vengeance. Yet most considered Avagard the Black's story to be a cautionary tale of crossing the Zhentarim. [1]


By 1374 DR, The Pirate Who Would be King books could be found in several coastal cities of the Moonsea region, such as Hillsfar.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Tyrants of the Moonsea

