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The Vilhon Reach is a box-set sourcebook for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, using the 2nd-edition Dungeons & Dragons ruleset.

The Reach has always been considered the breadbasket of the Realms, the birthplace of countless warriors who have shed their lifeblood on the fields of battle. It's also home to noble families that have ruled kingdoms for countless generations, lizardman cities that have existed for hundreds of years, and an ancient plague that still haunts the land.

Take a trip to Hlondeth, the yuan-ti city that stands like an emerald beacon over the waters of Vilhon. Visit the gladiatorial arena of Hlath or plunge into the depths of the Deepwash. Feel the political tension that hovers over Shining Arrabar like a poised dagger. But always remember that in the Reach, as in all lands that adventurers tread, not all is as it appears.

This Forgotten Realms® campaign accessory contains a full-color poster map of the Vilhon Reach as well as new artwork that brings the reach to life. A 64-page accessory for the Dungeon Master details the lengthy history of the Vilhon, as well as providing current information on the various countries and city-states. A 32-page travelogue provides background for players whose characters would try their hand at adventuring in the Vilhon Reach.[3]


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Adamar SessionAlataz ThrindolAlesam MischwinAlexander IllistineAmlaruil MoonflowerAnaglathosAnathetAndraxisAnglasparkAnthrus StrongarmsAnthony IllistineAnton MorsenAnton YinoranAntonio RavilarAragath TaltarAriton MaliwickArshenArton GithsberryAshenford TorinbowAzoun Obarskyr IVCaptain HanshetCharas of WinterwoodClas DenwithCorwin FreasDameron KeelDanirro of AlaghônDarvis ShennelmDediana ExtaminosDmetrio ExtaminosDempster TurmishDenton CrimsguardDwinEles WianarElissa TarixonElminius DaresulkEmanuel ForeisterEmberspeakEmerald (wolf)EntawanataEranar WhittlestoneErixal the BlackFern (wizard)Florentine DempsterFoilsunderFolkwainForierFreiwin CrystalembersGavilon JostinsGestinGlisena FoesmasherGonthril AstinarGriss'tokGrrothgrrowlHaskar CorintisHerengarHighsteadHonlinar TempestIrgul of TelflammJaras SilverbloodJathrinJenis GlowarmKanisar MelinwirKinondraKissikit'aLaviar IllistineLord IroncloakMalil EntwineMarcius StonehallMarsa FerrentioMarsalas EndrivinMitrol KranMistwindMorintarNeveris BikouOluusiousOoglePontar ElimonQuwenRandal MornRastar of the BladesRicjolo TomraseRidimere CordwinRiliton MandleweaveSarosSarunShadowmoon CrystalembersShalthrin HlastinShemratha CallingowlShevron ExtaminosShiala TorthrenShilaris ShemwithShinthala DeepcrestShowaxeSimon DessinoSjorn SendrithStormcrossingTaramontThomas FlagcairnThuragar FoesmasherTian RedwonTonorak WinthraxTorst HabilarThrrothgrrowlTurien BattlewakeVandemar CordwinWariton MinlowWhinonas FerentierWorenZalaznar Crinios


beholderbisonblue dragonbugbearcatcentaurcowcrimson deathdark dwarfdark nagadeepspawndogdragon turtledrowdwarfearth elementalelfelkfeyfire giantfiredrakegargoyleghostgnomegoblingorillagreen dragongrippligrizzly bearguardian nagahalf-elfhalflinghill gianthorsehumankirrekoboldlichlionlizard manmanticoremammothmold manmosquitomothmountain giantorcpantherPlainsteedrabbitratred dragonsaber-toothed tigersatyrsnailsnakesvirfneblinspitting snakesquirrelstone golemthri-kreentreanttroutvegepygmywater elementalwater nagawemicwild elfwolfwood giantyuan-tiyuan-ti pureblood


AmnAnaurochAthasCalimshanChessentaChondathChultCormyrDaggerdaleDalesEvermeetEyes of SilvanusHalruaaIlighônIxinosMazticaMulhorandNetherilSembiaSespechShadowdaleSword CoastTethyrTharTurmishUnderdarkUndermountainUntherVilhon ReachWavecrest
AelorAlaghônAmahArchentreeAriel-thanArrabarArranfordAspleAssamBanatharBistal's BottomCedarsprokeCentaur BridgeChondathianChauncelgauntDaroushDauntshieldDeepgateDruidhomeElbulderEluparGildengladeGildengloopGreymantleGurnthHlathHlondethIljakInnarlithIroncloakIronfangJathrin's JumpLachomLheshaylMarikorMimphMorningstar HollowsMussumMyth DrannorNathlekhNimpethNleethNonthalNovularondNunOrbechOrmathOrmpetarrRavilar's CloakRethRiatavinRucien-XanSaerloonSamraSapraSaradushSelgauntShamphShausShenStarmantleSurkhSwordslake CreekTazixorTelflammTelpirThree Free Cities of the Shining PlainsTimindarTorlTorschUlver's LanceUrmlVelorn's ValorWaterdeepXorhunZhentil KeepZoundar
Buildings & Sites
Bit & BridleCascadeChief's RestCitadel of CarifarCrying ClawDazzling DolphinEarthome CollegeEldath's RingElmrockEmerald DolphinGeneronGovernment DistrictGriffonGroveHoeHouse of SilvanusMerchant DistrictMilitary DistrictNonthal's HoldNorthshire ColiseumOakenhallSaddle of the PlainsSeasideSilver Scythe (Cedarsproke)Slithering SerpentSugarcaneSylvan GeyserThree Trees InnThunderhoof LodgeTimekeeper TavernWest Wall (Halruaa)Woren Vineyards
Bodies of Water
Alaoreum RiverArran RiverCalling RiverCedar RiverChurning BayDeepwashDog and BoneElder RiverInner SeaLake BluespringsLake of Drifting StarsNagaflowNagawaterRiver NunSpringbrook RiverSpringbrook ShallowsSea of Fallen StarsStarfall Stream PoolWetriverWintercloak River
ChondalwoodCormanthorDancing ForestDlathilvaerGulthmere ForestGrandlore ForestGreat ForestLhairghal MountainsMielikki's GardenNunwoodSatyrwoodWetwoodsWinterwood
AkanapeaksAlaoreum MountainsAphrunn MountainsCloven MountainsDeepwing MountainsElder SpiresEvenstar ValeMachran SpireMount AndrusMount KolimnisMount UgruthOrbrekhOrsraun MountainsSpines of the SerpentWhitehorn
Bare Bones HillBroken HillsFields of NunField of TearsGolden PlainsGreat GlacierHalondar ValleyHill of MemoriesNaga PlainsRushing HillsSandshoreSerpents' HoldingShining PlainsSlithering PlainsSouthsandsValley of the EyeYliyl
Emerald CorridorFarshore StraitsGolden RoadHalondarHierophant TrailLilit PassNonthal's PathOld Road (Vilhon Reach)Paddle StraitsPikemen's FollyStrait of SilvanusTreefall PassTurmway
Elemental Plane of EarthElemental Plane of WaterTears of Selûne


Academia VilhonusamazonsAncient AxAssembly of StarsBand of IronBards of NunCall of ArmsCandlekairn clanChosen of MystraChurch of EldathChurch of HelmChurch of LliiraChurch of SilvanusChurch of TalosChurch of TempusChurch of TyrCircle of NineCompany of the Crushed GrapesCompany of the Howling HarpoonCompany of the HuntCompany of the Sabred ToothCompany of the Shining Starscommunity of the high browsEmerald EnclaveExtaminosGestin (family)HarpersIllistineKrakk'tLords of TurmishMerchants Guild (Arrabar)OnusclanRed WizardsScything ClawSerpent's SecessionSeven Senators of RethSeven Sentinels of SilvanusShe-WolvesTattered Cloth LegionTen-Paw TribeUluuthinWhite HandThe WindlassZhentarim




Magic Weapons
arrow of slayingdefender longswordhelm of underwater actionlong sword of sharpnessscimitar of speedstaff of curingstaff of swarming insectsstaff of the serpentstaff of thunder & lightningstaff of the magistaff of the woodlands
Magic Armor
bracers of defenseelven chainflying helmgauntlets of ogre powerhelm of brilliancemissile deflector
Magic Clothing
boots of elvenkindboots of speedboots of striding and springingcloak of displacementcloak of protectioncloak of the batcowl of wardinggirdle of frost giant strengthhat of disguiserobe of the archmagi
Magic Accessories
amulet versus undeadnecklace of missilesring of feather fallring of free actionring of human influencering of invisibilityring of mind shieldingring of protectionring of regenerationring of shooting starsring of spell turningring of the ramring of truthring of vampiric regenerationrope of entanglementscarab of deathscarab of protectionscarab versus golems
Wands & Rods
rod of absorptionrod of beguilingrod of passagerod of resurrectionwand of paralyzationwand of wonder
potion of healing
Wondrous Items
candle of invocationcrystal balldust of disappearancehorn of blastingincense of meditationluckstonenet of entrapmentnet of snaringsheaf arrow
accelerate healingadaptationage plantalarmanalyze balanceanimal friendshipanimal summoning Ianimal summoning IIIantianimal shellantiplant shellastral spellastral windowatonementauguryblade barrierblessblissbreak campsitebriartangleburning handscall lightningcall upon faithcall woodland beingscalm chaoscaltrops (spell)candle of calmcause diseasecause fearcause light woundscause serious woundschain lightningchantchaotic combatchaotic commandsChariot of Sustarrecharmcharm person or mammalchill metalchill touchchoose futurecloud of purificationcolor spraycombinecommandcompulsive ordercone of coldconfusioncontagioncontingencycontinual darknesscontinual lightcontrol weathercouragecreate campsitecreate food & watercreate holy symbolcreate watercreeping doomcure blindness or deafnesscure critical woundscure diseasecure light woundscure serious woundsdance of the fallendarknessdeadly dancedeath chariotdeath spelldefensive harmonydetect evildetect gooddetect invisibilitydetect liedetect magicdetect poisondisguisedispel evildispel magicdetect snares & pitsdimension doordisintegratedissension's feastdominationdraw upon holy mightdust devilearthquakeemotion perceptionentangleenthrallESPEvard's black tentaclesexultationfaerie firefeather fallfind familiarfire trapfire seedsfire shieldfire stormfireballfirewardflame arrowflame shieldflame strikeflesh to stoneforcewardforgetfree actionfriendsglyph of wardinggoodberrygreenwoodguards & wardsgust of windhallucinatory foresthammer of justiceheat metalhealheroes' feasthold animalhold monsterhold personhold plantholy flailholy wordhypnotismice stormidentifyimpeding permissioninsect plagueinvisibilityinvisibility to undeadjoin with astral travelerknow alignmentlightlighten loadlightning boltlocate objectlower resistancemace of Odomagic jarmagic mirrormagic missilemagical vestmentMaximilian's earthen graspmazemeld into stoneMelf's acid arrowMelf's minute meteorsmemory readmessengermeteor swarmminor globe of invulnerabilityminor malisonmirror imagemiscast magicmistaken missivemold touchmonster summoning IIImoralemulchmusic of the spheresnapnegative plane protectionneutralize poisonnondetectionoakheartobscurementpass plantplane shiftplant doorplant growthpolymorph otherpolymorph selfpower word, killpower word, stunprayerprismatic sprayprismatic wallproduce fireprotection from evilprotection from goodprotection from good/evilprotection from lightningprotection from fireputrefy food & drinkpurify food & drinkrainbowraise deadrallyrandom causalityray of enfeeblementre-targetreflecting poolremove curserepel insectsresist firerevealride the windrigid thinkingsanctuaryscareseeking swordsentry of Helmshape changeshield (spell)shillelaghshocking graspsilence, 15' radiusslay livingsleepslowsmokeghostsnake charmsnareSol's searing orbsoothing wordspell immunityspeak with animalsspeak with astral travelerspeak with deadspeak with plantsspiritual hammerspiritual wrathspring masterysticks to snakesstinking cloudstoneskinstone tellstorm shieldstarshinestrength of onesuggestionsummon insectssummon shadowsummon spectatorsunraysword and hammersymbolteleport without errorthorn spraytime pooltime stoptonguestransmute rock to mudtrap the soultree (spell)triptrue seeingturn woodundead wardunseen servantwall of firewall of fogwall of forcewall of thornswater of Eldathwater walkwarp woodweather stasisweather summoningwebwind lashwindlancewithdrawwizard markwolfjawsword of recallwraithformwyvern watchzone of truth
faith-magic zoneholy symbolholy waterspellsong


Food & Drink
aleblack adder steweggherbmeadNimpeth wineskullcap treatsalted bison meattomatowine
Diseases & Afflictions
abscesslycanthropyplaguePlague of Dragonswelt
galleongalleyrow boatStarcrossWine & Song
Battle of the Elven TearsBattle of Fallen TreesBattle of NunCalmwatersCampaign of DarknessCrushed Helm MassacreDawn of EquinesEve of the Panicked PlagueFeast of Purple MajestyFeast of the MoonFestival of the HuntFestival of the PrideFlight of the DawnGreat Fires (Shining Plains)HigharvestideLong NightMidsummerNewborn CelebrationNight of DancingNight of FeastingNight of GhostsNight of RedemptionRage of DragonsReign of MisruleReign of the WyrmRetreatRoar of ShadowsRotting DanceRotting WarShieldmeetSouthsands GamesStalemateSun FestivalThunder Peaks RoutingTime of TroublesTurmish War of 1220War of 512
-37 DR20 DR50 DR75 DR92 DR125 DR132 DR135 DR137 DR139 DR143 DR144 DR145 DR146 DR150 DR154 DR177 DR227 DR257 DR260 DR267 DR270 DR277 DR278 DR285 DR300 DR320 DR326 DR352 DR374 DR400 DR472 DR512 DR517 DR522 DR527 DR552 DR572 DR614 DR640 DR680 DR715 DR717 DR724 DR898 DR900 DR901 DR902 DR992 DR1011 DR1018 DR1020 DR1022 DR1044 DR1150 DR1220 DR1328 DR1241 DR1242 DR1247 DR1254 DR1297 DR1317 DR1320 DR1323 DR1344 DR1355 DR1358 DR1360 DR1362 DR1364 DR1365 DR1366 DR1370 DR
druidspeaklizardfolk languagethieves' cant
13 Gates of Magiccompassdrumharpinkmirroroilwineskin




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Jim Butler (1996). The Vilhon Reach (Dungeon Master's Guide). (TSR, Inc), p. 1. ISBN 0-7869-0400-3.
  2. Jim Butler (1996). The Vilhon Reach (Dungeon Master's Guide). (TSR, Inc), p. 13. ISBN 0-7869-0400-3.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Jim Butler (1996). The Vilhon Reach (Dungeon Master's Guide). (TSR, Inc). ISBN 0-7869-0400-3.