Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Weary Wanderer was a gruff and unwelcoming inn in the hamlet of Skull Crag in the Storm Horn Mountains of Cormyr in the 14th century DR.[1]


The Wanderer offered lodgings in several private rooms as well as the common room. The inn's proprietress offered free lodgings in the common room to adventurers and caravan guards, despite thinking them to be nothing but riffraff, while rooms were reserved for individuals with coin. The Weary Wanderer did not turn away customers; humans, dwarves, and even oni mages were all allowed patronage, as long as they could pay.[1]


In the mid–14th century DR, the Weary Wanderer was frequented by caravaners and their hirelings who traveled along the High Road. One of the clients of the inn at the time was the wrinkled old dwarf, a gruff acquaintance of Dazmilar, the Roadwarden Arelin Starbrow's problem child.[1]



