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Thebestys,[6] also known as Thoth's Estate, was the divine realm of the Pharaonic[3] and Mulhorandi[4] deity of knowledge, Thoth.[3][4][6]


Under the Great Wheel cosmology, this divine realm was located within the Outlands and had the River Ma'at pass through it.[1][2][3][4][5] But in the World Tree cosmology, it was said to be part of Heliopolis and had the River Isis pass through it, the former of which was a plane shared by all members of the Mulhorandi pantheon.[6]


Thoth's Estate had a wide variety of terrain throughout it,[3] though the World Tree's conception of it was said to be marshy.[6] In the areas where the River Ma'at passed through, it had deserts and swamps vying for dominance of the riverbank.[3]

Notable Locations[]

  • The Great Wheel cosmology described this realm as having a number of villages and towns that dotted the banks of the River Ma'at, which were inhabited largely by the petitioners of Thoth.[1][2][3] These were mere extensions of a nearby city,[3] referred to as Thebestys,[1][3] one of the largest towns in the Outlands that wasn't also a gate-town.[1] One could find both libraries and schools here, an expression of Thoth's role as a deity of knowledge.[7]
  • In the World Tree cosmology, there was likewise a city named Thebestys and several smaller villages.[6]
  • The Great Library, the hallowed halls where Thoth stored his accumulated knowledge, stood at the center of Thebestys.[1][3] It was rumored that almost any answer one could want to search for was housed within the library,[1][2] its vast collection rivaled only by the House of Knowledge.[6] Thoth would gladly allow scholars to research within it,[3] welcoming all who sought knowledge,[6] but one would have to search through its immense collection of scrolls.[2]


The petitioners that lived in this realm carried out mundane lives.[2] In addition to the petitioners, one could find crocodiles and crocodile-like creatures in the River Ma'at.[1][2]




The Concordant Domain of the Outlands
Caverns of ThoughtCourt of LightDwarvish Mountain (Deepshaft HallSoot HallStrongale Hall)Flowering HillGzemnid's RealmHidden RealmLabyrinth of LifeMarketplace EternalMausoleum of ChronepsisPalace of JudgementSemuanya's BogSigilSleeping LandsTir na Og (Deep Forestthe Great SmithyHouse of Knowledgethe PinnacleTir fo Thuinn)Thoth's EstateWonderhome