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Kithlord Thieraven was a shadar-kai sorcerer of the mid–14th century DR.[2]


Sometime in the early 1370s DR, Thieraven came into contact with the Sharran priestess Esvele Greycastle, seeking aid in breaking his people's shadow curse. She wrote him back a letter, claiming that the goddess Shar could not break the bargain that led to the curse. However, she promised that if he and his shadar-kai aided in her scheme, then they would have a secret realm in the Vast Swamp where they would be immune to the curse, with other sites planned in the future. She urged him to recruit other shadar-kai to the effort.[2]

By the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Thieraven had been sent by Esvele to the Lost Refuge in the Vast Swamp to help the black dragon Despayr in his plot to tear apart the Weave of magic. Thieraven reopened the Dusk Lord's Passage to the Shadow Swamp in the Plane of Shadow, where the scheme was enacted. He also had the knowledge of subduing the zombie dragon turtle at Black Tree Bend.[2]

Shadows take you!
— Kithlord Thieraven,
to his attackers

Eventually, the plot was uncovered and Thieraven was likely killed in early Eleint when an adventuring party in service to Mystra assaulted the fort.[2]


Alongside Ketsarra Shadowscale, Thieraven was in charge of the Sharran cultists' activities at the Lost Refuge, where dominated spellcasters and captured lizardfolk were sent to the Plane of Shadow. Together, the commanded the contingent of shadar-kai (including Kithguard Maurran and the ferrymaster Sithierel) and oversaw Bestra Mornscroll's leadership of the cultists.[2]


Like many shadar-kai, Thieraven had pale skin that bore many tattoos.[1]


Thieraven was a sorcerer who knew the secret of Shadow Weave magic,[1] which he was trained in by Esvele Graycastle.[2] His spells had a unique theme of grasping shadows.[1]


Equipped similarly to all his people, Thieraven wielded a well-made spiked chain and wore a +1 gal-ralan. He also donned a cloak of charisma.[1]


