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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Thraxxia was a half-fiendish daughter of the demon lord Graz'zt.[1]


Though she had no known succubus blood, Thraxxia physically resembled an alu-fiend, with an attractive, feminine human form, upsloping eyebrows and small, batlike wings. She was, however, far more powerful, having gained the might and magical powers of a nalfeshnee through trickery and guile.[2]


Thraxxia was the daughter of Graz'zt and a long-dead human monk. After killing three of her half-sisters to prove herself to her father, she then served as Graz'zt's personal assassin.[1]

During the imprisonment of Waukeen, Graz'zt plotted to magically disguise Thraxxia as the goddess of wealth, counting on Lliira to transfer Waukeen's portfolio to Thraxxia in Waukeen's stead. This plot was thwarted by a band of adventurers in 1370 DR.[2]


