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Thrull was an orog warlord in Thar in the early 1370s DR.[1]


Around 1369 DR, Thrull alongside his younger siblings Daazlag and Naazlog, emerged from the Underdark to the Xûl-Jarak citadel in Thar. There the orc adept Jurrg proclaimed them "sons of Gruumsh" and Thrull the new king of Thar. They started to build the new kingdom together.[2]

In 1374 DR, Rûlgar, Jurrg's brother, found the Hammer of Gruumsh in a cave in the Galena Mountains and Jurrg saw this as a sign that the time of Thrull's rule was near. In the meantime, thanks to Daazlag, the orcs captured the scions of five powerful houses from Melvaunt. Jurrg planned to ritually sacrifice them in the crowning ceremony for Thrull.[2]

When adventurers came to investigate, Thrull was in the temple to Gruumsh inside Xûl-Jarak together with Rûlgar and four orc warriors, waiting for the start of the ceremony to proclaim Thrull as king of all Thar.[1]


Thrull was a particularly large example of his kind with green-black skin, pointed ears, and prominent, pale eyes.[1]


As befitting orc-kind, Thrull was an accomplished fighter and leader. He was especially skilled in the use of greatswords and mauls.[3]


Thrull typically wore a suit of magical +2 plate mail and a ring of protection +1. In addition, Thrull managed to recover and wield the Hammer of Gruumsh, a legendary weapon among the orcs of Thar.[3]


Thrull had a pet basilisk, which remained in his room.[1]



