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Torga's Pyre was an enchanted shortsword created using a heart of a fire elemental by Torga Burduum of Citadel Adbar.[1]


Torga's Pyre was a masterfully crafted sword of dwarven design.[1]


Torga's Pyre possessed a +4 enchantment and due to being created out of a fire elemental's heart, this shortsword dealt fire damage upon a successful hit immediately lighting the target on fire, continuously torching it for the next five seconds.[1]


Toga's pyre

Torga's Pyre, lit with its elemental flames.

Torga Burduum, an accomplished blacksmith of Citadel Adbar, set out on an arduous quest to create a truly legendary weapon. She attempted to use the heart of a powerful fire elemental Izzaxu as the core of the Torga's Pyre sword. Torga was killed by the same elemental before she could finish her masterpiece. Her drive was intense enough to bring her back in the form of a ghost. Cursed by their own desire to create, Torga and her dwarven comrades remained inside the Izzaxu's Kiln in the Forlorn Cliffs until the Champion of the Burning Dawn's arrival circa 1490 DR. The Champion and their companions aided Torga in destroying the elemental creature, allowing the blacksmith to harvest its essence finally creating the Torga's Pyre blade. She passed it along to the Champion as the final gift and moved on to the afterlife.[1]



Video Games
Sword Coast Legends


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 n-Space (October 2015). Designed by Dan Tudge, et al. Sword Coast Legends. Digital Extremes.