Traevyn Illance was an old noble in Cormyr and lord of the Illance noble house in the late 15th century DR.[1]
He was ruthless, and perhaps a little dramatic.[2]
Traevyn Illance was white-haired.[2]
He wore a half-cloak, worn boots, and carried a black walking cane. One of his rings was almost certainly enchanted in a way that would bring death upon a half-dozen people if needed, through means left unsaid.[1]
Lord Traevyn had been a friend and creditor of Broryn Windstag's father; he was the one person Lord Windstag had trusted from youth. His son was Rothglar Illance.[1] He hired the mage Morligul Downdagger to keep up a number of protections against scrying and prying; two of his bullyblades were called Rorn and Brabras.[2]
Lord Traevyn Illance was part of a faction that sought to mind-control the king and dismantle the War Wizards.[1]
Around 1450 DR, Traevyn Illance loaned 700,000 golden lions to Rauligus Helderstone, with an interest rate such that 10,000 more would be owed on the year, every year.[2]
After the disastrous Council of the Dragon in late Mirtul of the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR Traevyn visited Staghaven House, looking to invite the young nobles meeting therein (Broryn Windstag, Mellast Ormblade, Sacrast Handragon) into his faction. While he was there, Marlin Stormserpent arrived, asking to be sheltered from an unknown assailant who invaded his mind and controlled beholders. Before that could be resolved, Osbur, a servant of the Oldbridle family, also turned up, delivering a warning upon Traevyn, which he allowed the others to hear.[1] After hearing out Marlin, and learning of his blueflame ghosts, he hatched a plan for Marlin to get close to the King by staging an attempt on his life, which Marlin would "stop".[3]
That night, he sent the mages Morligul Downdagger and Scarmar Heldeth to capture Rauligus Helderstone, actually Mirt in disguise; only Morligul returned to him, with Scarmar cutting loose and fleeing after the strike. Morligul reported at the Three Ravens, after which they headed for the warehouse where he'd stashed "Rauligus"; unknown to Traevyn, Morligul himself had been replaced by the fugitive wizard Elminster Aumar. Traevyn then explained to the false Rauligus that he was going to make him sign off all properties by force as a manner of repaying his debts, and then ship him off naked to Westgate. Then, he got knocked out by Storm Silverhand, who was also impersonating Rauligus' current playpretty, the lady Darlethra Greatgaunt; Elminster stole all his stuff, with an eye to take all his magical items.[2]
Rumors & Legends[]
Elminster and Storm resolved to spread the rumor that Traevyn Illance had captured and tortured Rauligus Helderstone to death as a way to slow him down.[2]
Novels & Short Stories
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 14, pp. 132–135. ISBN 0786958154.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 30, pp. 283–287. ISBN 0786958154.
- ↑ Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 15, pp. 141–142. ISBN 0786958154.