Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Trehgan was an apprentice of Khelben Arunsun from barbarian lands.[1]


The human had wild hair and was strongly and largely built.[2] Despite this, he could be soft on his feet and was a decent hunter.[1]


On 28 Uktar of the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Trehgan was a member of a group of eight apprentices, including his teacher, Tsarra Chaadren, who spent an overnight hunting trip in the Pellamcopse Woods. He managed to acquire a brace of grouse, helped Lhorik hang the doe that Tsarra had shot, and taught Tarik, one of the youngest students, how to dress the deer.[1] On the return trip to Waterdeep, Trehgan at first carried the doe over his wide shoulders, until Tarik created a floating disk to carry it instead. They all passed a thief named Raegar Stoneblade, who had been secretly stalking them, but they were unaware of his significance at the time.[2]

When they arrived back at the tower, he was one of four tasked with butchering the game that they had taken and was in the kitchens when an explosion destroyed one of the walls of the tower.[2]



