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Tresendar Manor was one of the largest buildings in Phandalin. During the 10th century DR, it was inhabited by the Tresendar family. Long after its abandonment, it served as a base for the Redbrands in the late 15th century DR, as well as bugbears, goblins, and a nothic.[1] A few years later, it would become the base of a franchise of Acquisitions Incorporated.[2]


The manor was located at the end of Phandalin's main eastern road, just beyond the Sleeping Giant tavern. The path leading to the manor was curvy and elevated by one hill on top of another, unlike the rest of the village.[1]


Ruined from the outside, the manor still stood, but clearly in a poor, unmaintained state. It appeared much more like a castle than a simple place of dwelling, and was surrounded by a handful of trees and shrubs. The floors were made of flagstone and the walls were well-made stone blocks.[1]

A secret tunnel led from the nearby woods to the interior of the manor.[1]


The manor contained several rooms, and a stone staircase that led to a large cellar, which was used to store food and drink. There was also a crypt that was used as a place of rest for family members who had passed away. Several oil lamps lit up each room.[1]

The doors were made of wood and the handles of iron. There were two master keys that could be used to unlock the doors, but there were also secret doors that could be located around the cavern.[1]

Tresendar Manor's cellar entry room had many barrels of supplies and a large vat of clean water. Beneath the water was an emergency kit stashed by the Redbrand leader, Glasstaff; the kit held potions, gold, and clothing. There was also a secret passage to the southwest of the room. Directly adjacent to this room was a smaller room that was used for accommodating bandits and storing additional supplies.[1]

Just north of the storage room was a hall, which featured a pit trap. At the end of the hall was a double set of doors with an angel etched into the panels. West of this room lay the ancient crypt, and the remains of the elders in coffins.[1]

In the northeastern corner of the manor was a slave pen, built by the Redbrands. Further to the west was a huge chasm able to be crossed by rickety wooden bridges.[1]

Apart from other common rooms and barracks, the only interesting places lay in the northwest, where there was a wizard's workshop and the leader's quarters.[1]



Skeletons haunting the manor's crypts as of the late 15th century DR.

In 951 DR,[3][4] orcs swarmed the caverns below the manor. Though he fought off many of the brutal creatures, Aldith Tresendar was slain, and his enchanted longsword, Talon, was lost to the ages.[1]

In 1491 DR,[note 1], a group called the Redbrand Ruffians, under the leadership of Glasstaff, occupied the manor. Although the uppermost rooms of the manor were unusable (such as the kitchen) after its abandonment, the basement garnered much usage by the bandits. As such, many additions were added to the cellar, such as barracks and workshops.[1]

A few months later, Thel Dendrar, the local woodcarver, stood up to the group that occupied the manor. He was slain and fed to a nothic, while his family were captured and thrown into the slave pit. Later, Carp Alderleaf, a lad from Phandalin, managed to locate the secret entrance to the base via a tunnel.[1]

By 1496 DR,[note 2] the Redbrands were long gone and the land on which Tresendar Manor sat had come to be owned by Harbin Wester, the richest man in Phandalin and the former Townmaster. He negotiated a deal to allow an adventuring company called the Fellowship of the Golden Mongoose to open an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise within the ruin, and efforts to rebuild the manor began. A few months later, a group known as The Six sent a party of mercenaries led by the necromancer Hoobur Gran'Shoop to attack the manor. Nearly all of the adventurers were slain, and a huge explosion destroying much of what had been rebuilt.[2] The attack left the ruin occupied by undead and creatures from the Far Realm.[5]



  1. Pages 30‒31 of Lost Mine of Phandelver describe the eruption of Mount Hotenow (1451 DR) as occurring "30 years ago", which would place the adventure in 1481 DR. When the adventure was later remade into Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, this 30 year time frame was kept (pages 50 & 53). However, pages 103 and 179 of Acquisitions Incorporated, a source published after the former, state that the events described in the adventure happen five years after both Lost Mine of Phandelver and Princes of the Apocalypse. Since the latter is explicitly set in 1491 DR, and considering this answer by Ed Greenwood about dating the adventure, this wiki will use 1491 DR for events related to both versions of the adventure.
  2. Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Acquisitions Incorporated, but Jerry Holkins answered a question via Twitter and stated the year was 1496 DR. Unless a canon source contradicts this assertion, this wiki will use 1496 DR for events related to this sourcebook.

