Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Trishina, pronounced: /trɪʃˈinətrish-EE-nuh[1], was the goddess of the dolphins and consort of Deep Sashelas. She was the reason why aquatic elves had such a bond with dolphins.[4] She was part of the asathalfinare pantheon, an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.[4]


Trishina could appear as either a female dolphin or young, attractive, female sea elf and instantly switch forms at will.[4] Humanoid depictions of the goddess bore similarities to the sleek-skinned shalarin.[3]


Trishina was a benevolent, peaceful goddess, optimistic that, with love and kindness, much of evil could find redemption. She was inclined to help anyone in trouble, whether from the waters or the land,[4] and did not encourage the looting of shipwrecks, seeing them as watery graves to be left alone.[5]


Her clergy were pacifists but devoted themselves utterly to protecting the young of any race they encountered and saving as many lives as they could.[4]

She was seen by many as the mother goddess of the shalarin. Since the shalarin were a transplanted culture, they adopted her as their main deity, naming her as Ri'daa'trisha.[3]



