Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Trollskull Manor was one of the largest buildings of Trollskull Alley in the North Ward of Waterdeep.[1]


The building was located at the corner of Saerdoun Street and the north entrance of Trollskull Alley.[3][4]


The manor was four stories tall with a basement. It had numerous balconies, five chimneys, and a turret.[1] Numerous entries provided access into the building from Trollskull alley and the alley's north entrance.[2]


The ground floor consisted of a large taproom, a kitchen, and a pantry from where the basement could be accessed. The upper floors contained numerous bedrooms, bathrooms, and studies.[2]


The historic building was originally a tavern kept by the half-elf Lif.[1]

Following Lif's death, Trollskull Manor fell into abandon. It was bought by Volothamp Geddarm sometime in the early 1490s DR. Volo intended to investigate the manor as part of research for his book Volo's Guide to Spirits and Specters.[1] An unsuccessful attempt to purchase the building was also made by Emmek Frewn, but he was outbid by Volo.[1]


By the Year of Three Ships Sailing, 1492 DR,[note 1] the abandoned building was haunted by Lif's poltergeist. Lif could not abandon his former life's work of maintaining the tavern and his spirit could only be appeased if the place was restored to its former functions.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, but Christopher Perkins answered a question via Twitter and stated the year was 1492 DR. Corroborating this, Dragon Heist page 20 refers to events of Death Masks (set in 1491 DR) as being "last year". Unless a canon source contradicts this assertion, this wiki will use 1492 DR for events related to this sourcebook and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (which is referenced on pages 5 and 98 of Dragon Heist).


Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

