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Turbaern was one of the dwarves who would found the kingdom of Roldilar in the Vast in north Faerûn in the 7th century DR. Turbaern was a priest of Clangeddin Silverbeard, holding the highest position of the faith, High Old One, and the personal title "Blood Axe of Clangeddin".

In the early 7th century, Turbaern enchanted over a thousand weapons forged from orcslayer metal by Master Smith Fyrfar Smokebeard over several years at the order of Deep King Tuir Stonebeard, in their mission to destroy the orc realm of Vastar. Turbaern was assisted by the human mage Beldossan the Short and the elven sorceress Aleratha Ilnatar. Among these was the short sword Sarghathuld in the Year of the Many Serpents, 605 DR.[1]


  1. George Krashos (November 2000). “Bazaar of the Bizarre: Soargar's Legacy”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #277 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 90.