Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Twenty in a Quiver was a merchant house and a shop that health in equipment, arms, and armor, located in the Docks District of Neverwinter in the late 14th century DR.[1]


Twenty in a Quiver was a two-story building located roughly in the middle of the district. Its entrance was marked by a large sign that proclaimed the business's name and advertised its trade: "Weapons and Equipment."[1]


Twenty in a Quiver was an established business by the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, run by Jerol who offered a wide variety of goods to the clients, including enchanted items and smuggler's coins.[2]

The shop survived the strife of 1372 DR: the plague of the Wailing Death that ravaged Neverwinter and the crumbling economy after the war between Luskan and Neverwinter. When a duo of adventuring sailors that included Nisar Zayid was seeking to depart for the Nelanther Isles in 1372 DR, Twenty in a Quiver may have been robbed by the duo.[1]


Apart from Jerol, Twenty in a Quiver was also staffed by a night watchman and two guard dogs.[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 BioWare (June 2005). Designed by Keith Hayward, Rob Bartel. Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast. Atari.
  2. BioWare (June 2002). Designed by Brent Knowles, James Ohlen. Neverwinter Nights. Atari.