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Tyranny of Dragons was a 10-paneled comic released online to coincide with the Tyranny of Dragons event. The panels were later included in Shadows of the Vampire #1.

ToD Adventurers

Alaeros Margaster, Barrowin Undurr, Nymmestra Durothil, and Talon Everhale.

For years, the evil Cult of the Dragon has devoted itself to creating undead dragons in a vain attempt to fulfill an ancient prophecy. However, the cultists were misguided. They misunderstood. But now, under new leadership, the cult believes that the prophecy does not speak of undead dragons, but of a dragon empire that’s been extinct for 25,000 years. Tiamat, the queen of evil dragons, has languished in the Nine Hells for millennia. The cult believes that the time of her return is at hand.

The cult has a new face and a new mission. It seeks to free Tiamat from the Nine Hells and bring her into the Forgotten Realms. To accomplish its goal, the cult needs five ancient dragon masks and the support of evil dragons everywhere. The cult leaders—each one a "dragon whisperer"—have reached out to the evil dragons of the Sword Coast and earned their allegiance.

Meanwhile, evil dragons in partnership with the cult seek to amass a treasure hoard worthy of their dark queen, not by plundering their own hoards (of course) but by stealing money from cities, caravans, good-aligned dragons, merchant ships, and other sources. Their ravenous hunt for treasure throws the Sword Coast into upheaval. Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate—no city is safe from their depredations.

The situation is dire. However, the Sword Coast is far from defenseless. Powerful factions are ready to rise up and put an end to the tyranny of dragons. Adventurers throughout the Realms must join forces to face Tiamat, destroy the Cult of the Dragon, and prevent the rise of a new dragon empire. The Harpers have since shared their intelligence with the remaining factions. To combat the Cult of the Dragon, Lord Dagult Neverember of Neverwinter proposes that adventurers representing each of the five factions be sent north to investigate—and to report back with haste.

In their hands, the future lies.

— Wizards of the Coast promotional text.


Chapter 1: Icewind Dale[]

ToD comic fighting cult

Adventurers fighting the Cult of the Dragon.

Panel 1: An Expedition Assembled
Throughout Icewind Dale, its people are trapped and threatened by the most terrifying of all possible dangers—dragons! A group of heroes, assembled from the five factions, first learns of the true threat behind these draconic raids: the Cult of the Dragon, undertaking some unknown excavation.
Panel 2: A First Encounter
Alaeros leads his band of heroes against the Cult of the Dragons—seeking out the site of their excavation. A stone portal has been uncovered, leading to parts unknown. While a group of cultists have already gone through, our heroes follow close behind.

Chapter 2: Tuern[]

ToD Adventurers Tuern

Ratshadow, Nymmestra, Alaeros, Barrowin, and Talon fighting a red dragon in the Flame Fault.

Panel 3: Arrival at the Island of Tuern
The giant portal excavated in Icewind Dale has led to the volcanic, mineral-rich island of Tuern, located hundreds of miles west. The island, ruled by three red dragon siblings, is home to tribes of seafaring barbarians who ply the Trackless Sea in longships with prows carved in the likeness of their draconic overlords. Those heroes representing their respective factions have arrived, still in pursuit of the Cult of the Dragon…
Panel 4: Death of a Dragon
The search for the Red Dragon Mask has led our heroes to the island of Tuern’s great volcano. As they quickly discover, the volcano is not without its traps… or its guardians.

Chapter 3: Neverwinter[]

Panel 5: Escape the Fire of Tuern
The Red Dragon Mask has been found! However, it's the Cult of the Dragon that's made the discovery... and then destroyed the portal off Tuern behind them.
Panel 6: Neverwinter Besieged
Severin recruits further dragon allies into his camp... directing them toward Neverwinter!

Chapter 4: Waterdeep[]

Panel 7: Chase for the Mask
The White Dragon Mask has been found, but changes hands... to the detriment of the final owner.
Panel 8: Plans Revealed
Our heroes finally learn the Cult of the Dragon's ultimate scheme: to summon Tiamat, Queen of Evil Dragons!

Chapter 5: Well of the Dragon[]

Tiamat ToD comic

Adventurers witnessing the summoning of Tiamat to the Realms.

Panel 9: March of the Five Factions
Lady Haventree has rallied the factions to march on Tiamat, Queen of Evil Dragons!
Panel 10: Tiamat Summoned!
We look at hopeful winning scenarios against Tiamat, Queen of Evil Dragons...


Portal Tuern

Cult of the Dragon and Red Wizard agents at the portal leading to Tuern.

The people of Icewind Dale are being besieged by dragons, which are protecting a group of the Cult of the Dragon as they search for powerful Dragon Masks. Lord Neverember in Neverwinter summons the heroes Alaeros, Barrowin, and Nymmestra to investigate.

Meanwhile, the cultists have failed to fine the Red Dragon Mask, but have located a portal, but before they can activate it, they are beset upon by the heroes, who are joined by Ratshadow (of the Zhentarim) and Talon (of the Emerald Enclave). They agree to work together to try to find the Dragon Masks before the Cult of the Dragon can.

The heroes travel through the portal to the island of Tuern, where they find themselves at the heart of the island's volcano. They are attacked by one of the three dragon overlords, a red dragon that they manage to slay. Upon learning the news, the other dragon overlords fly about setting the island on fire.

The Red Dragon Mask is finally located by cultist leader Severin, who takes it back through the portal, ordering his followers to destroy it behind him. The heroes are left stranded, but travel back to Neverwinter through a teleportation circle.

March of the Five Factions

The march of the Five Factions.

Severin recruits dragons to attack the city of Neverwinter as distraction while he looks for more Dragon Masks, which he intends to put together to form the Dragon Crown to summon Tiamat herself. During the attacks, Ratshadow finds the White Dragon Mask. He gives it to his faction, the Zhentarim, who take it to Waterdeep, where it is promptly stolen to the villa of Lord Arthagast Ulbrinter. Ulbrinter disappears but his wife, Lady Haventree knows nothing about it.

Tiamat'S Temple erupting

Tiamat's temple emerging within the Well of Dragons.

It turns out that Ulbrinter has been killed, the heroes learn through Varramzord, the white dragon whisperer, who tells them that Severin has obtained the White Dragon Mask. IT was the last piece he needed to construct the Dragon Crown and summon Tiamat.

Lady Haventree convinces the Five Factions (Zhentarim, Emerald Enclave, Lords' Alliance, Harpers, and Order of the Gauntlet) to march on Severin and the Cult of the Dragon. The armies arrive just in time to see the spire of Tiamat's temple rising from the ground. The battle begins in full, with ground troops below and dragons above. Tiamat is summoned, but fortunately the metallic dragons have come to aid in the battle.



Alaeros MargasterArthagast UlbrinterBarrowin UndurrDagult NeveremberHaventreeNymmestra DurothilRath ModarRatshadowSeverin SilrajinTalon EverhaleTiamatTucker


Icewind DaleNeverwinterSpine of the WorldTuernWaterdeepWell of Dragons


elfdwarfhalflinghumanmetallic dragonsred dragonswhite dragons


Cult of the DragonEmerald EnclaveHarpersLords' AllianceOrder of the GauntletZhentarim


Dragon Masks

The five dragon masks in possession of the Cult of the Dragon.

dragon crowndragon mask (Black, Blue, Green, Red, White)



  1. Canon material does not provide a year for the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, but in a forum post, Greg Marks stated it was set in 1489 DR. However, the events of the Tyranny of Dragons are discussed in the novel Archmage, which is set in 1485/1486 DR and has events that necessarily put it after The Rise of Tiamat. Since this inconsistency has not been cleared up, this wiki will use the vague term "1480s DR" for events related to this storyline, though it is most likely no latter than 1486 DR.

