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Udadrow, or as they were almost-exclusively known, drow, were the most common variety of drow by far. Apart from extremely rare offshoots of drow (like the Lorendrow and Aevendrow who dwelt in secretive locations), all drow were Udadrow.[1]


These dark elves were those, or the descendants of those, who originally became influenced by the evil deity, Lolth.[1]


Udadrow society was oppressive and xenophobic.[1] Some dark elves were able to escape tyrannical drow society, and escaped to the surface of Toril.[2]


Due to the authoritative influence of the Spider Queen, almost all drow followed her ways to the Underdark. Two offshoot groups, Lorendrow and Aevendrow, did not. As they descended to the depths of the Underdark, Udadrow society become more and more corrupted by Lolth.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Legend of Drizzt. Wizards of the Coast. (2021-05-20). Archived from the original on 2021-05-20. Retrieved on 2021-05-20.
  2. R.A. Salvatore (June 2006). Sojourn. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 0-7869-4007-7.
High elves: Grey elfLlewyrrMoon elfStar elfSun elf
Aquatic Elves: Aquatic elfMarel
Dark elves: DrowAevendrowLorendrowUdadrow
Sylvan Elves: Wild elfWood elf
Miscellaneous: Astral elfAthasianAvarielDusk elfLythariPoscadar elfSnow elf
Related races
Planetouched: CeladrinDraeglothEladrinFey'riShadar-kai
Humanblood: CrintiHalf-elfHalf-drowHalf-sea elf
Dragonblood: Drow-dragon (shadow)Drow-dragon (deep)ZekylZar'ithra
Miscellaneous: DriderMaraloiVampire