The Ulutiun dictionary is a list of terms from the Ulutiun language.
- ahsukk
- Iulutiun dialect: a board composed of members from each village council to arbitrate in trade disputes during trade fairs[1]
- aigiik
- Iulutiun dialect: the relationship between spouses[2]
- aituiskotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: adults who had participated in only a single migration of caribou[1]
- akukujik
- the section of an ukujik that did not have meat pits[1]
- akykulutik
- Nakulutiun dialect: a punishment (ykulutik) where the accused was sealed in the cave of a natural predator[1]
- anariak
- a ritual where an ariak dressed a newborn baby[1]
- anarkiirik
- the second syllable of a baby's name, which came from the name of an honored friend or family member[1]
- andlitiving
- a meat-storage room[1]
- ahtkoat
- the messenger who invited people to koatulit[1]
- aiskotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: the group remaining after the migration of the iskotuk[1]
- ariak
- a friend of the family who dressed a baby in his or her first clothes[1]
- artengak
- a type of harpoon[1]
- awakewquka
- a type of celebration for honoring one's first seal-kill[1]
- ceenach
- Nakulutiun dialect: a stone house[1]
- eaas
- Iulutiun dialect: the essence of life[1]
- ekaa
- a barbed arrow[1]
- ekotupa
- an arranged marriage[1]
- equkoku
- a memorial feast or cemetery for the dead[1][3]
- erngiik
- Iulutiun dialect: the relationship between a mother and her eldest daughter[2]
- eyklak
- a large bow[1]
- garnok
- a sling with an extended handle[1]
- gazanga
- Iulutiun dialect: "little father"; the oldest male child[2][1]
- giik
- Iulutiun dialect: the relationship between a father and his eldest son[2]
- heteff
- a white-furred sled dog[1][4]
- hiuchupuk
- a water sled[1]
- hukek
- Angulutiun dialect: a digging spike[1]
- huuk
- a "singdown"[1]
- huykulutik
- Nakulutiun dialect: a punishment (ykulutik) where the accused was tied to a tree and shot with arrows[1]
- igdluarn
- a snowhouse room for storing blubber and meat[1]
- igdluling
- a long passage between snowhouse rooms[1]
- ijukujik
- the section of an ukujik that had meat pits[1]
- ikaap
- Angulutiun dialect: an ice sled made from caribou skins[1]
- ikili
- Angulutiun dialect: a full migration of caribou[1]
- ilupiquan
- the interior skin walls of a snowhouse[1]
- iniagok
- Angulutiun dialect: morale officer[1]
- Innugaakalikurit
- an arctic dwarf[1]
- intang
- hoop for drying clothes[1]
- inuksuk
- snow figures places in a V-shaped line for driving caribou[1]
- ipipykulutik
- Nakulutiun dialect: a punishment (ykulutik) where the accused was suspended head-first inside a crevasse[1]
- iquemelum
- a village council[1]
- iskotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: a group of migrating humans and their caribou[5]
- ituiskotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: aged or injured adults unable to participate in the migration of caribou[1]
- iuak
- a machete[1]
- iurit
- Nakulutiun dialect: assembly called by the village ruler[1]
- jakerek
- single-passenger ice sled[1]
- jegaung
- a gambling game testing one's aim[1]
- jititip
- a special snowhouse for sled dogs or kupuk[6]
- jokitarpo
- game to make the ugliest faces[1]
- jukikewquka
- a feast honoring a child's first kill[1]
- jyykach
- Nakulutiun dialect: a religious edict requiring the death of all non-believers[1]
- kaituiskotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: persons who have not yet participated in the migration of caribou[1]
- kaiurit
- Nakulutiun dialect: a yearly religious edict[1]
- kaquling
- a snowhouse's outermost, open section[1]
- kayak
- a kayak[1]
- kazanga
- Iulutiun dialect: "little mother"; the oldest female child[2][7]
- keri-keri
- a game of imitating gestures[7]
- kiam
- a village council member[7]
- kiirik
- the first syllable of a baby's name, which came from the name of a deceased friend or family member[7]
- kilat
- a type of drum played by slapping it against the chest or thigh[7]
- koatulit
- a custom of inviting folk from a nearby village to live in the host village as guests of honor[7]
- kotupa
- a voluntary marriage[7]
- lakerek
- a sled drawn by caribou[7]
- liqukoku
- Iulutiun dialect: a ritual for honoring first kills[7]
- lukitaqutu
- a juggling game[7]
- lulik
- an individual room (dome) of a snowhouse[7]
- luqu
- a trident[7]
- mikka
- a lichen growing in Alpuk that tastes like mint[7]
- minikitak
- Angulutiun dialect: a house made from earth and wood[7]
- mukteff
- a golden-furred sled dog[7][4]
- naulagak
- a type of harpoon[7]
- nukiewquak
- a ritual for honoring one's first polar bear kill[7]
- okteff
- a black-furred sled dog[7][4]
- opoqukoku
- Iulutiun dialect: a ritual of properly disposing of animal skulls[7]
- pilakerek
- Angulutiun dialect: a balancing pole used while riding a sled[7]
- pimataung
- Angulutiun dialect: an aged leader of the iskotuk[7]
- pokulu
- Nakulutiun dialect: a belief that one's life essence becomes a part of Ulutiu upon death[7]
- quaggi
- a communal feasting house[7]
- quangirin
- a ventilation slit[7]
- quidlirin
- a fireplace[7]
- quipiqu
- thick sleeping blankets[7]
- qukoku
- Iulutiun dialect: a philosophy about the unity of nature[7]
- rewqugi
- a two-domed snowhouse filled with pits for burning blubber[6]
- reykulutik
- Nakulutiun dialect: a punishment (ykulutik) where the accused was stoned to death in a pit[7]
- rissik
- Angulutiun dialect: a portable tent[7]
- ritiik
- a weapon used for hunting bear[7]
- sangiik
- Iulutiun dialect: the relationship between a family and its ukeu[2]
- sarissik
- Angulutiun dialect: the roof of a rissik[7]
- sirdloang
- a closet for clothing[7]
- skotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: inhabitants, a term which includes both people and caribou[7]
- sukkiruchit
- a trade fair[7]
- taatquoko
- Angulutiun dialect: a celebration at the start of each caribou migration[7]
- tigugiik
- Iulutiun dialect: the relationship between a parent and his or her children[2]
- tihukek
- Angulutiun dialect: a tool used for making tent poles[7][8]
- tingaung
- a gambling game[7]
- toqsung
- the main entrance to a snowhouse[7]
- trukaa
- a blunt arrow[7]
- tuiskotuk
- Angulutiun dialect: adults who have participated in more than one caribou migration[7]
- tupa
- marriage[7]
- uadling
- the outer dome of a snowhouse[7]
- ugunach
- Nakulutiun dialect: a platform for praying[7]
- uhkerek
- a large sled drawn by caribou[7]
- ujju
- Angulutiun dialect: the preferred pasture grounds of a specific caribou herd[7]
- ukeu
- a voluntary slave[7]
- ukujik
- a dome where meat was cut[7]
- ulirrissik
- Angulutiun dialect: a bowl with holes used to cover fires within tents[7]
- umiak
- a large boat for cargo[7]
- unungak
- a type of harpoon[7]
- urit
- Nakulutiun dialect: village ruler[7]
- uwa
- Iulutiun dialect: earrings worn by kiam[7]
- vaakach
- Nakulutiun dialect: a religious edict mandating that a particular syllable is sacrilegious[7]
- viit
- a makeshift tent[7]
- wakiak
- Angulutiun dialect: a branding[7]
- wijikak
- Iulutiun dialect: an honor murder[9]
- wypokulu
- Nakulutiun dialect: opoqukoku[10]
- yaaurit
- Nakulutiun dialect: an urit's aides[7]
- yakakilat
- a drum feast for honoring the killing of a white dragon or tirichik[7]
- yijikak
- Iulutiun dialect: an murder sanctioned by the iquemelum[9]
- ykulutik
- Nakulutiun dialect: any punishment for violating a yearly religious edict[7]
- yupokulu
- Nakulutiun dialect: equkoku[10]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier (front cover). (TSR, Inc). ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 25. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 63. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 55. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 42. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 64. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.40 7.41 7.42 7.43 7.44 7.45 7.46 7.47 7.48 7.49 7.50 7.51 7.52 7.53 7.54 7.55 7.56 7.57 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier (back cover). (TSR, Inc). ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 44. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 23. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 51. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.