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The Ulyoon were a tribe of Nars inhabiting the town of Peltarch in western Narfell.[1]


The tribe numbered more than a 1000 members[note 1] circa 1479 DR.[1]


The Ulyoon were avid fishermen and traders and welcomed caravans all throughout the year, receiving several each winter when the Icelace Lake froze over and the easiest route to Damara went over the ice instead of through the Giantspire Gap.[1]

Base of Operations[]

The Ulyoon lived primarily in Peltarch, and fished the bountiful waters of the Icelace lake.[1]


The trade and contact with foreigners made them both tolerant and even welcome of outlanders, and quite wealthy compared to other Nar tribes. The other tribes in turn viewed the Ulyoon as outlanders instead of fellow Nars, and blamed encounters with very aggressive wildlife, especially cave and dire bears, and dark spirits on the mingling of ancient and modern traditions in the town.[2]



  1. Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide states that most of the Nars of Peltarch are of the Ulyoon tribe, and as 2000 tribesmen live in the town, at least, and probably far more, must be part of this tribe.



Nar Tribes
AbordabeAingstCreelDag NostFar QueyHarthgrothQu'imaQu'encestaRagnorUlyoonVar