Unseen spider servant was a variation of the unseen servant conjuration spell that summoned an eight-legged arachnid to perform simple tasks at its user's orders.[1]
Just like regular unseen servants, unseen spider servants were conjured creatures tasked with simple tasks. The creatures' adherence to the command and size could make them annoying as they tended to follow friendly guests, carrying dust cloths on each of their legs and cleaning guests' weapons and armor. Unseen spider servants were harmless but invulnerable to weapons and could only be dismissed through the dispel magic or similar spells.[1]
The unseen spider servant spell was developed by Jalan Teng of the Green Robes, a wizard from the world of Oerth who ventured to Faerûn and, eventually, the Temple of Lolth near the trail that led to the town of Mossbridges in the Vast. By the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, Jalan Teng was a restless spirit who made the abandoned temple of the Spider Queen his lair, laboratory, and place to keep his magical treasure hoard. Then Jalan's lair was disturbed by a band of adventurers of Ravens Bluff who investigated the lost ruin, where they encountered the restless spirit's unseen spider servant. It was tasked with cleaning the lair, which included the adventurers' armor. Jalan would get angry if one of his unseen spider servants were to be dispelled.[1]