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House Utrelli was a noble family and an old mercenary company of the city-state of Lomatra in the Blade Kingdoms. Circa 1217 DR, Utrelli were the main supporters of the Prince-elect Rosso of Lomatra.[1]

Welcome to House Utrelli. Contents: One father - heavy cavalryman, retired. One brainless dolt of a younger brother - light cavalryman, not retired. The house also contains one sister: Name - unimportant. Profession - gold digger.


House Utrelli resided in an old manor house with evident signs of age, wear, and tear. Even though the Utrelli were a powerful family and had a significant number of troops under their command (for a provincial city-state of Lomatra), their numbers were dwarfed by bigger noble houses of the Blade Kingdoms. Like many other Houses of the Blade Kingdoms, House Utrelli barracks were close to the family manor. The troops consisted of three hundred Lanze Spezzate, four minor nobles, five squires, and a lone gatekeeper armed with a hefty club.[1]

House Utrelli owned several little vineyards of marvelous quality.[2]


In the Year of the Falling Moon, 1217 DR, House Mannicci and House Utrelli arranged a political alliance via marriage between the scions of both houses, young bookworm inventor Lorenzo Utrelli Da Lomatra, and free-willed Princess Milianna Mannicci da Sumbria. The alliance came after an arranged marriage between Ugo Svarézi of Colletro and Milianna Mannicci was abandoned after Colletro's loss in that year's "white war." Prince-elect Cappa Mannicci decided to focus his attention on the smaller city-state of Lomatra and one of its families, eventually getting access to Lomatra's Blade Council, eventually siphoning Lomatra's troops to swell his own numbers and votes.[2][3] The betrothed wedding was encouraged by an allyship of more than a hundred years.[1]

Lorenzo Utrelli shared his talents in art with the city of Sumbria by gifting it, on behalf of Lomatra, a majestic depiction of Umberlee - The Sea Goddess Rising from the Waves to be unveiled during the annual Festival of Blades. By chance, Lorenzo Utrelli encountered Milianna Mannicci without realizing her royal identity and fell in love with her. During the same period of time, the youths befriended a strange kleptomaniac, arguably intelligent, firebird Tekorriikii. The three friends bonded over their ventures into the celebrations of the Festival of Blades. After a series of unfortunate events, Lorenzo, Milianna, and Tekorriikii ended up unwittingly switching The Sea Goddess Rising from the Waves for The Sea Beast Rising from the Waves, an unflattering depiction of Milianna's stepmother, Ulia Mannicci in a swimsuit, causing uproar and scandal.[4]

Another House Utrelli unwitting effect on the Blade Kingdoms came from Lorenzo Utrelli's invention - the light lathe. The naive youth sought patronage among powerful Blade Captains and signs his invention off to villainous Ugo Svarézi of Colletro and treacherous Gilberto Ilégo of Sumbria. The duo used light lathe, upscaled to a grand size, to devastate House Mannicci armies after manipulating Colletro and Sumbria into open bloody war. Following the devastating battle in the late summer-early fall of 1217 DR, Prince-elect Cappa Mannicci was murdered, and Sumbria was swallowed by an 11-day civil war, riots, and unrest.[5]


  • Alberto Utrelli, Franco Utrelli's younger son. A dull-witted cavalryman, by all descriptions - a younger clone of his father.[1]
  • Franco Utrelli, the leader of the noble family and Lorenzo Utrelli's retired cavalier father. Apart from Lorenzo, Franco had two more children: a younger son cavalier and a gold-digging daughter.[1]
  • Lorenzo Utrelli, the scion of House Utrelli circa 1217 DR, his extreme ideas and talents met little understanding among his peers. The young man was a talented painter, inventor, tinkerer, and strived to empower non-magic-wielding citizens of the Blade Kingdoms with his, often impractical, inventions.[6]



The Council of Blades


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 13, p. 234–235. ISBN 978-0786905317.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 2, p. 20. ISBN 978-0786905317.
  3. Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 3, p. 48–49. ISBN 978-0786905317.
  4. Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 9, pp. 176–178. ISBN 978-0786905317.
  5. Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 13, p. 225. ISBN 978-0786905317.
  6. Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 3, p. 43–44. ISBN 978-0786905317.