Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Uzzak-Szalzik's knife was the enchanted dagger that belonged to one of the lizardfolk shamans who feuded with the Green Hag of Lizard Marsh circa 1372 DR.[1]


The old and wrinkled lizard-man shaman Uzzak-Szalzik carved this knife to resemble a grinning black dragon who wrapped its body around the weapon's handle. The dragon's tail rose up and merged with the dagger's long red metal blade. The aged lizard shaman decorated the knife's leather handle with his own tooth to indicate the weapon's importance.[1]


Uzzak-Szalzik's knife possessed one singular enchantment that allowed the wielder to cast the blade thirst spell once per day, coating the dagger in blue flames and temporarily transforming it into an enchanted +3 edge.[1]


Sometime before 1372 DR, Uzzak-Szalzik found himself feuding with an ancient green hag who lived close to the shaman's tribe in the Lizard Marsh. In 1372 DR, the shaman snuck into his enemy's lair and snatched the hag's precious hair comb. He used her greasy hair from the comb to craft an effigy, a small doll in the likeness of the old witch, to curse her with a dark magic affliction. In retaliation, the hag enlisted the Hero of Daggerford to help her get revenge. She asked the Hero to bring her back the precious comb, the effigy, and a personal item of Uzzak's. Uzzak-Szalzik's knife such an item. Once the Green Hag of Lizard Marsh got her hands on the draconic dagger, she used it to curse her adversary with a nasty case of dragon lice.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

