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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Valom the Deep was a sadistic sorcerer who lived sometime prior to 1281 DR in interior Faerûn.[1]


Valom possessed a unique cursed girdle, known as the belt of stones, that he had created himself.[1]


Valom lived in a boat on the Sea of Fallen Stars, known as the Dim Courser. He was known to often hire lone mercenaries and sellswords to obtain components for magical items. When they returned to his floating laboratory he would bestow upon them his cursed belt of stones, then push them off, and because of its curse they would quickly drown.[1]

One day, he performed this charade on a sellsword from Procampur named Herred, but he was unaware that the man had in his possession a potion of water breathing and a helm of underwater action. Herred later tracked Valom down, but was mistaken as a crazed seaweed monster by a priest of Tyr who proceeded to strike him down. The priest, having soon after realized his mistake, set upon Valom with three paladins. Valom managed to slay two of them before falling in battle himself.[1]



Video Games
Referenced only
Icewind Dale

