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Vellosk was a settlement of the Uthgardt Gray Wolf tribe located in Neverwinter Wood in the late 15th century DR.[1]


Vellosk was situated on the eastern edge of Neverwinter Wood, along the Starmetal Hills. It lay due north of Berun's River.[2]


Owing to the nomadic nature of the Gray Wolves, Vellosk was little more than a collection of simple tents and lean-tos, with very few permanent buildings.[1]


One Gray Wolf pack leader was always present in Vellosk. Since the pack leaders preferred staying out in the wild, this responsibility was seen as a burden, and was swapped between them on a monthly basis.[1]


When the Netherese flying city of Xinlenal fell into Neverwinter Wood in −339 DR,[3] a group of wizards split off part of the city and landed it in a different area of the forest. Isolated from Xinlenal, the wizards formed their own enclave, naming it Xin'kar.[2]

Over time, the Netherese were driven out of the area by the Gray Wolf tribe. The Uthgardt barbarians named their new settlement Vellosk.[2]

In the late 15th century DR, the Gray Wolf tribe issued a challenge to all adventurers in the Sword Coast that had proven themselves in battle to test their mettle within the totem pit of Vellosk.[2]

Notable Locations[]

Vellosk totem pit

Ritual combat at the Totem Pit.

Gray Wolf Den

A massive rock carved to resemble a wolf's head. The Gray Wolves revered it as a place of great power.[2]

Shadowkeeper's Hut

One of the settlement's few permanent structures. Around 1479 DR, it was occupied by Ormshas, liasion between the Gray Wolf tribe and the Shadovar.[4]

Totem Pit

A holy site where the Gray Wolves offered prayers and sacrifices to Uthgar and various primal spirits. Ceremonial combat was also conducted here, such as when leaders were challenged for position. On its eastern edge stood a totem pole decorated with skulls—both beast and humanoid—many of them carved with images of Uthgar. The totem pole was topped with a dire wolf skull.[1][4]


Vellosk was usually sparsely populated, due to the nomadic inclinations of the Gray Wolves. Most tribe members were either camped out in the woods or participating in hunts or raids.[1]



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