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Vianten was a human Cormyte stonecutter who worked in the town of Mossbridges in the Vast in the late 14th century DR.[1]


Vianten was a talented stonecutter who carved quality statuettes, such as a rose-colored marble eagle or a black marble mammoth. Vianten was ready to sell his art for fifty gold coins per piece. He also could carve a statuette for order, but the labor usually took him around three months.[1]


Vianten was friends was Rodenostro, a fellow Cormyte stonecutter. Both men were friendly towards anyone interested in their craft, especially dwarves.[1]

Rodenostro and Vianten were acquainted with the retired half-orc fighter named Chester Hearth, who frequented the Golden Goblet Inn in Mossbridges. They considered the fighter to be a friendly fellow and enjoyed occasional shared drinks.[1]


Rodenostro and Vianten both hailed from the Forest Kingdom of Cormyr. By the late 14th century DR, after the war in the Vast ended, both stonecutters moved to the town of Mossbridges to work on its many new building constructions. There, Rodenostro and Vianten became frequent customers of the Golden Goblet Inn, a new and bustling establishment on the town's main street.[1]



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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 David P. Santana (March 2001). The Good, the Undead, and the Ugly. (RPGA), p. 11.