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Waevor's Wagon was the name given to a shipment of about 60,000 silver pieces that was stolen from the Purple Dragons of Cormyr in the Year of the Wall, 1227 DR, and never recovered.[1]


The wagon was a large, heavy-duty, enclosed conveyance pulled by a team of horses. It had small windows covered by flaps. At the time of its disappearance, it was guarded by seven warriors and two War Wizards.[1]


In the days following the reconquering of Marsember by King Dhalmass Obarskyr of Cormyr, there were grumblings and plotting among the well-to-do families, not only from Marsember, but from previously annexed Arabel as well. The hijacking of the Purple Dragon pay-wagon was attributed to this unrest, but the carriage, the horses, the guards, and the silver all vanished, leaving no detectable trace behind and no clue as to the identity of the perpetrators.[1][2]

The transport mission was commanded by lancelord Thandor Waevor, but he fell violently ill just before the scheduled departure from Suzail and he ordered the mission to proceed without him. It was suspected but never proven that Waevor was either poisoned or afflicted with a debilitating spell without his knowledge. The next senior officer was War Wizard Bardanther Uleeyon, a veteran former warrior that found the Art as a calling later in life. He was well-respected by soldiers and fellow war wizards alike, and had passed many tests of temptation in his rise through the ranks.[1]

Somewhere on the road north of Marsember (in what was then eastern Cormyr), Waevor's Wagon was hijacked and driven wildly through the dark by persons unknown. The last sighting of the carriage was by members of a special escort for a trade envoy from Sembia who was on a journey to Immersea. The honor guard was comprised of Cormyrean nobles Elbryn Scatterstars, Nelnar Orthwood, Orngrym Cormaeril, and Tharim Roaringhorn, and accompanied by the huntsman Ardagast Falconhand. The escorting party had set up an encampment on the road when the hurtling wagon smashed through the campsite, running with no lights or forerunners. Elbryn Scatterstars and Tharim Roaringhorn were both hit by the carriage and flung aside. Both men died from their injuries.[1]

Orngrym Cormaeril mounted his horse and gave chase, but lost track of the wagon in the darkness. Nelnar bid Ardagast to pursue the murderous carriage and he took a different route than Orngrym, hoping to intercept it. Ardagast managed to catch up to the wagon and was about to grasp a handrail to get on board when a spear was shoved through the rear window striking him in the chest and knocking him off his horse. His armor prevented critical injury, but he was unable to continue the pursuit, and the pay-wagon was never seen again.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ed Greenwood (March 2001). “The New Adventures of Volo: Lost Treasures of Cormyr, Part 4”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #281 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 78.
  2. Ed Greenwood (March 2001). “The New Adventures of Volo: Lost Treasures of Cormyr, Part 4”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #281 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 77.