The War of the Spider Queen is a series of six novels published by Wizards of the Coast between 2002 and 2006. Set in the drow city of Menzoberranzan and elsewhere in the Underdark and the Demonweb Pits between 1372 and 1373 DR, it centered around the sudden, mysterious silence of the goddess Lolth and the ensuing War of the Spider Queen. The series' storyline was overseen by author R.A. Salvatore, with each individual novel written by a different author. The cover art for all six books was painted by Brom. The six books are:
- Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers (July 2002)
- Insurrection by Thomas M. Reid (December 2002)
- Condemnation by Richard Baker (May 2003)
- Extinction by Lisa Smedman (January 2004)
- Annihilation by Philip Athans (June 2004)
- Resurrection by Paul S. Kemp (April 2005)
Plot Overview[]
The story is set in Lolth-worshiping drow society, primarily Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders. In the prologue of Dissolution, the first novel in the series, Lolth wraps herself in a cocoon, leaving all her worshipers on Toril unaware of what might have befallen the demon goddess. All of her priestesses, including the highest-ranking matron mothers, lose their divine magical abilities, which in turn causes a series of events that shake the very foundations of drow society.[1]
- ↑ Richard Lee Byers (July 2002). Dissolution. (Wizards of the Coast), p. ?. ISBN 0-7869-2714-3.