Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Warmages were arcane spellcasters who lived for the din of combat, clashing blades, screams of pain, and, especially, the epic destruction wrought by war. The more utilitarian spells of wizards, sorcerers, and bards had little importance to a warmage. They favored function over form and were drilled only in spells most useful for smiting foes, sowing confusion, and screening allies. A warmage cared only for success in battle, often as part of an army, or in the smaller series of campaigns favored by adventuring companies.[1]


The vast majority of warmages were graduates of special arcane war colleges. These academies were not for the faint of heart. They followed a grueling course of study more akin to boot camp than a wizardly apprenticeship. Throughout their training, warmages were taught to wear armor while casting spells beyond their skill. This training drilled the spells of war into a warmage's memory, thereby allowing them to prepare and cast spells with more efficiency. Warmages used fewer spells compared to sorcerers, but their spells were more enhanced. A warmage prepared their spells on a daily basis by calling them from memory to the forefront of their mind. The training also gave the warmage proficiency in basic weaponry and armors.[2]

Warmages were mainly humans or half-elves, but the spiritual strength needed to survive, let alone graduate from, an arcane war college could manifest itself among any individual. Savage humanoid warmages weren't uncommon, and some of the more organized societies even set up their own colleges.[3]

Warmage Adventurers[]

For adventuring companies, a warmage provided one thing: brute firepower. Warmages honed their skills through action, not study, so without prolonged use of their powers they could become truly deadly. Good-hearted warmages were concerned with using their skills to thwart evil. In contrast, vile warmages had little to no constraint on their actions, and adventured solely to gain power.[1]


Warmages were much more comfortable with among warriors than other spellcasters.[3]

Notable Warmages[]


Further Reading[]


