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Warriors of Waterdeep was a free-to-play mobile game set in the Forgotten Realms that launched in May 2019 and closed in December 2022. The game was set in Waterdeep and its environs, and featured both new and many well-known Realms characters. Described as a turn-based tactical game, it used its own mechanics and not those of Dungeons & Dragons.


The player controls a party of adventurers as they perform missions on behalf of Laeral Silverhand, the Open Lord of Waterdeep. Laeral serves as a narrator throughout the adventures.

Sharpstone Keep
The game begins with Laeral at the Yawning Portal tavern, talking with Durnan and Mirt. She seems to be expressing frustrations with the state of the dangers threatening Waterdeep, but soon a crowd of adventurers gathers to volunteer their help. The first missions involve the Burntbone Horde, a group of monstrous bandits threatening the roads. We are told that adventurers fought the bandits and forced them to retreat to their base at Sharpstone Keep, where the game begins as two adventurers—the elf cleric Halbenet Soladonel and the human wizard Shevarith Kendia—fight their way through the Keep and defeat one of the Horde's leaders, an ogre called Vargor the Fierce. The player quickly gets the opportunity to start recruiting a number of additional adventurers (up to 14 in total), and goes on to defeat the "king" of Sharpstone Keep, a fire giant named Harkald Firesworn.
Frostsilver Mines
The Burntbone Horde flees to the abandoned and haunted Frostsilver Mines, and the adventurers pursue. While fighting undead and thwarting the Horde's efforts to steal the Mines' treasures, the party learns of the mysterious event in which the Frostsilver dwarves all disappeared and returned as undead. The mystery deepens when they face a mighty earth elemental—known as the Soul of Frostsilver—bound to defend the lower levels.
Hidden Forge
Beneath the Mines is a hidden forge dedicated to Dumathoin, and the party soon encounters trolls and ettins who have tunneled into the ruins on a mission from Mrolgyet, a hobgoblin warlord. The party learns that they are searching for a dangerous artifact called the Anvil of Dumathoin, and fight to stop them. The party makes their way into the most hidden of the forges where they encounter the Anvil: a powerful iron golem animated by a berserk earth elemental. They realize that it was a rampage by the Anvil that destroyed the dwarves of Frostsilver.
Harvestshield Mountain
Laeral next sends the adventurers to investigate the schemes of Mrolgyet's Legion, who are massing at Harvestshield Mountain. The hobgoblins and their allies are plotting a war against the Lords' Alliance, and so the adventurers fight their way up the mountain and, amidst a pitched battle, infiltrate the Legion's headquarters in the ruins of Chauntea's Citadel. They defeat Mrolgyet himself, only to be faced by Argathakul, a cruel red dragon who laid waste to the region long ago. The adventurers drive him off, and the Legion is scattered.
Heartcoil Deeps
During the battle on Harvestshield Mountain, the party encountered stone giants who were fleeing from their home in the Underdark. Realizing that there must be a looming threat belowground, Laeral sends the adventurers to investigate the Heartcoil Deeps. Fighting their way through Underdark denizens and the undead remains of famous figures from Harvestshield Mountain's past, the adventurers learn that mind flayers have founded a colony and will soon threaten Waterdeep. The adventurers thwart their plans by slaying their leader, Qholillaroon.
Lightfinger Estate
Sometime later, monsters begin rampaging through the Lightfinger Estate, a sprawling compound in Waterdeep's Sea Ward belonging to the aristocratic Lightfinger family. Laeral sends her adventurers to keep the peace and investigate why Lord Terrathy Lightfinger and his guards are nowhere to be found. The adventurers discover that the Lightfingers had dealings with devils, and had betrayed the city of Waterdeep by assisting the Burntbone Horde, Mrolgyet's Legion, and Qholillaroon's mind flayers. The party faces Jurrgal, a rakshasa posing as Lord Lightfinger, and then fights and banishes Kurgaloth, the pit fiend to whom the Lightfingers had sworn loyalty.
Forestfall Fen
From reading Lord Lightfinger's journals, Laeral discovers that the family was aiding one more threat to Waterdeep somewhere in Forestfall Fen. The party travels to the putrid swamp and discovers that it is mysteriously expanding at an alarming rate. Fighting their way through green hags and undead, the party soon encounters the Queenstooth kobolds and the lizardfolk of Throden, who serve a mysterious Queen. They continue to the center of the swamp, where they encounter the Queen: a mighty black dragon known as Vorazidrar.
Shimmersky Valley
Sometime later, the party is sent to the Frozenfar region to investigate rumors of battles on the road through Shimmersky Valley. They discover that they Valley has been overwhelmed by the Frosthunger Horde from nearby Dragonscar Gorge, and so begin to drive the invaders back. Fighting against the Horde and the elements, the party battles their way into Dragonscar Gorge where they discover a massive excavation project. They realize that the Horde had not been invading Shimmersky Valley, but was fleeing from frost giants who were forcing them to dig up and restore an ancient citadel known as Thrymstone, which was destroyed long ago in a war between giants and dragons. The excavation has drawn the angry attention of the local white dragons—led by Kovanyrach—and the adventurers are forced to fight both the dragons and the frost giants to prevent the two sides from reigniting the ancient war, which would threaten all of Faerûn. The party ultimately faces and defeats the frost giant leader, the invincible Shattercrown, ending the threat.


Coins WoW

The in-game currency ("gold")

Gems WoW

The premium currency ("gems")

The game centered around turn-based combat in which the player controlled up to four of their adventurers against a variety of enemies across a variety of different gameplay modes. Abilities were determined by equipment, and many featured bonus effects that occurred based on random probability. The grid-based combat arenas meant that range, area of effect, and movement abilities were all considerations to be made when deciding on equipment. Characters grew in power by leveling up or by levelling up their equipment. Experience points toward character level ups were gained through combat or by levelling up equipment, and points toward equipment level ups were gained by collecting or receiving duplicate pieces of equipment. Level ups of both types required spending gold, one of two types of currencies in the game. The other currency, gems, could be purchased for real money and was used to unlock loot boxes ("chests", which yielded equipment), skip cooldown timers, access event-based content, and exchange for gold.

Gameplay Modes[]


The "Explore" gameplay mode allowed the player to follow the plot outlined in the Synopsis above. For each of the eight adventures, the level select was rendered as a diorama of the region with 3D animated miniatures of the mini-bosses ("leaders") and bosses. The Explore levels could only be played once, however occasional events would allow players to repeat sections of them with harder enemies and for rewards after each victory. Some additional "training" levels were unlocked whenever a new hero was recruited.


In "Challenge" mode, players could play a series of nine battles themed after one of the eight adventures which they had already beaten. Each battle escalated in difficulty, and every third battle was against the boss of that adventure. For each boss defeated, the player earned a d20 that was rolled at the end to determine what loot they could choose from (usually equipment but sometimes small amounts of gold or gems).


Dragon emojis WoW

Emojis usable during Battle mode to communicate with the opponent.

The game's PvP mode was called "Battle", and allowed players to be randomly paired for a battle between their two parties. PvP parties of four were randomly drawn from a player's roster of up to eight characters. The winner of a battle earned both chests of loot as well as "trophies", while the loser lost some number of trophies. A player's number of trophies determined which PvP arenas and which other players they would compete against.

Certain special events introduced variations on the regular Battle mode, such as the "Test of Might" (a series of PvP battles entailing additional rewards for those who won more victories, but with only 3 free tries), the "Silverhand Trials" (extensive Tests of Might that culminated in winning a random item of Silverhand gear), and "Hero Draft" (in which each player selected two characters with which they would play and two with which their opponent would play).


The social component of the game was accomplished with guilds, which were groups of up to 50 players who could communicate with each other and engage in special events such as "raids".



Playable Characters
DurnanLaeral SilverhandMirt
Anvil of DumathoinArgathakulBellorathBroargargBonebreakerCielaroCracklebranchElcharnFeatherfirnFrenzixFrostsilver's RageGalagraveGanarkGarvlinGrandmother SnowGrocknockHaelpharHarkald FireswornHnalgukHorrengarJurrgalKnucklespineKovanyrachKulnajriemKurgalothLightfinger TempestMorothecMrolgyetOthokentQholillaroonShattercrownShimmerteethSmasheyeSmothertreeSnarlclawSoul of FrostsilverSpittleburnTacheraniTholiqarnVargor the FierceVorazidrarWrathburnYarach
Referenced only
BorisIvan BouldershoulderMaldwyn DaggerfordHavilarKhelben ArunsunDonovan LightfingerTerrathy LightfingerMinsc


BardBarbarianClericDruidFighterMonkPaladinRangerRogueSorcerer (wild magic)WarlockWizard


Playable Races
dragonborndwarfelf (drow)gnomehalf-elfhalf-orchalflinghumantiefling
animated armorbheur hagblightbugbearcambioncarrion crawlerchimeracloaker (cloaker queen)cranium ratdevil (barbed devil, erinyes, pit fiend, rakshasa)doppelgangerdragon (black, red, white)ettingelatinous cubeghastghoulgiant (fire, frost, stone)giant spidergnollgoblingolem (flesh, iron, stone)green haghelmed horrorhobgoblinice mephitkoboldlizardfolkmeenlockmind flayer (ulitharid)minotaurogreorcotyughowlbear (snowy owlbear)rakshasarust monstershield guardianskeletonslithering trackerspectertrollumber hulkvampire spawnvine blight (holdfast vine)water weirdwightwinter wolfzombie
Referenced only
bearbuletteeelelder brainfoxghostgiant centipedegoatgulthias treekrakenlocustmanticoreowlquipperraccoonremorhazsharksnakesquidwolfyetiyuan-ti malison


Buildings & Sites
Chauntea's CitadelFrostsilver Mines (Hidden Forge)Lightfinger EstateSharpstone KeepThrymstoneVault of DragonsYawning Portal
Mountains and Hills
Dragonscar GorgeHarvestshield MountainShimmersky Valley
ThrodenWaterdeep (Sea Ward)
FrozenfarSword CoastUnderdark (Heartcoil Deeps)
Swamps and Wetlands
Forestfall Fen
Referenced only
Astral PlaneAvernusBlackstaff TowerCandlekeepChultDaggerfordDarkholdFaerûnFeywildLantanLurkwoodLuskanRashemenSaltmarshSea of SwordsSpine of the WorldWaterdeep Trades Ward


Magic Accessories
abjurer's necklaceamulet of Corellonamulet of illusionsamulet of true strikesbadge of the Watchbelt of bodily healthbelt of concealmentbelt of the witchbracers of archerybracers of defensebrooch of safetybrooch of shieldingdevil's claspelusive ringfists of rebukegems of endless varietygloves of accuracyholy necklaceindomitable glovesJudgement of Tyrknave's eye patchmark of Tyrmoonstone pendantnecklace of adaptationring of battlering of free actionring of healingring of long lifering of mind shieldingring of shield otherring of spell powerring of spell turningring of truth tellingring of vigorsign of Tyrsymbol of Tyrtalisman of the moon
Magic Items
arcane dicebag of holdingBasherBonnyBook of Shadowsbottomless pouchCalliope's enchanted lutecentered gearcharming luteDaern's instant fortressdragon cult cubeseyes of the hunterfigurine of wondrous power (obsidian steed, serpentine owl)foldable chestghost lanterngoggles of minute seeingidle diceioun stone (of absorption, of awareness, of protection, of regeneration)lenses of keen sightportable holequill of memoryseal of amusementseal of circumspectionseal of constancyseal of devotionseal of forbiddingseal of guidanceseal of harmonyseal of insightseal of inventionseal of orchestrationseal of patienceseal of tranquilityseal of readinessseal of righteousnessSilverhand gearsmokepowderSquintstone of good luck
Magic Weapons
axe of great cleavingaxes of the slicing stormaxe of sharpnessBlackstaff (staff)Blades Injuriousblades of abundant cautionBlessed Sword of TyrBoris (rapier)brawler's bladesbulette-claw spearceremonial kriscoalescing coresconstellation of powerdagger of lasting memoryDaggerford Bladedancing longsworddancing sworddragon brace and fangEye of the Stormfiendish brandfiendish moongraystaffGreat Wolf's Furyhalberd of swift admonitionharpoon of sudden stillnessHeart's Splinterholy avengerinfernal caneintricate ringskeen daggerkukris of cunningmace of disruptionManticore's Tailmaul of focused destructionmolten orbsOutlanderperformer's bladesrapier of derobementrod of favorable inclinationrod of the pact keeperrod of rulershipsickle of careful kindnesssickle of shorn bondsspikevine clubSt. Markovia's Thighbonestaff of fiery wrathstaff of icy touchstaff of powerstaff of witheringsubtle bladessun bladeswashbuckler's bladessword of bright blindingsword of riotous revelssword of emberstentacle rodthunder maceTyr's Justicewand of essential adaptationwand of lightning boltswand of the war magewand of tinkeringwand of webwand of wonderwarrior's duowind fanwreath of flameyeti-bone hammer
Magic Armor
Autumn's Standboots of relentless motionCaptain's HelmetCaretaker's CrownClaws of the Owlcrown of Corelloncrown of scholarshipFootsteps of CorellonFoundation of Flamefox pawsFrostsilver armorGreat Wolf's Markharvest cauldronjusticer's coronetKeelslunar crownMask of the Owlmoon's circletmoonfall's shroudmoonfall's stepspaladin's helmPillars of KnowledgeRadiance of TyrWinter's Mask
elixir of defenseelixir of luckKeoghtom's ointmentphilter of loverestoration flaskvial of revenge
aura of lifeaura of puritybarkskinbestow curseBigby's hand (clenched fist, foreceful hand, grasping hand, interposing hand)blesscall lightningcharm monstercommandconfusioncrusader's mantlecure woundsdarknessdaylightdeath ward (spell)disintegratedivine worddominate monstereldritch blasteldritch spearentangleenchant weaponeyebitefaerie firefearfeeblemindfind the pathfireballfire stormgoodberrygreater restorationguardian of faithguiding boltgust of windhallucinatory terrainhealhealing wordhellish rebukeheroes' feastheroismhold monsterhunger of Hadarhunter's markhypnotic patternice storminvisibilitylesser restorationlife transferencelightning boltlongstridermagic missilemagic stonemajor imagemass cure woundsmass hold monstermass suggestionmirror imagepoison spraypower word, killpower word, stunprotection from evilpsychic screamray of enfeeblementray of frostregeneraterestorationsanctuaryscorching raysearing smiteshattershieldshield of faithshield othershillelaghsmitespike growthstoneskinstorm of vengeancesymbol of painthunderwavetrue strikevampiric touchvicious mockeryweirdwind blastwitch bolt


BlackstaffBlackstaff AcademyBurntbone HordeChillsparkerFrosthunger HordeGirdaurHarvestshield ReapersHeartcoil GuardiansLightfingerMrolgyet's LegionMuckgrunterQueenstoothWintergnawZhentarim
Referenced only
Cult of the Eternal FlameCult of the DragonBregan D'aertheGuardians of DaggerfordHigh Captains of Luskannobility of Waterdeep (Cassalanters) • Wolf tribe


axe (battleaxe, handaxe, throwing axe)clubdagger (kukri, throwing dagger)fishing rodharpoonpolearm (halberd, spear)longbowmacemaulD'aerthe pistolsicklestaffsword (greatsword, longsword, short sword, rapier)
Faceless Eyes of the Zhentarimhelmetleather armorplate mailrobeshieldsplint mail
alchemy kitdisguise kitholy symbollutepoisoner's kitquiverspellbookspyglassthieves' toolstoolstotem
Referenced only


Referenced only
AsmodeusFaerûnian pantheonGruumshMaglubiyetThrymTiamatTymora





Further Reading[]

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