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Water to poison was a common spell used by wu jen in Kara-Tur.[5] The spell was very rare outside Kara-Tur.[3]


When cast, the wu jen was able to transform any consumable liquid into a poison. The strength of the poison was determined by the wu jen's skill level. A single swallow was enough to poison a creature. The poison could be detected by a creature with a keen sense of smell.[1][2][3][5]

Poison to water was the reverse of the spell. It allowed a wu jen to transform liquid containing poison into water safe for consumption. It was able to transform pure venom as well. The spell had no effect on a creature with venomous glands, or a creature who was already poisoned.[3][5]


In addition to verbal and somatic components, the spell required material components, a fang of a venomous snake[2][3][5], and a bloodstone valued at least 50 gp.[1]


