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Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage is a 5th-edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure published by Wizards of the Coast in 2018. It takes place in the dungeon of Undermountain, located under Waterdeep, and follows the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure through levels 5‒20.

The Greatest Dungeon of Them All

Explore the mega-dungeon of Undermountain in this adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game.

In the city of Waterdeep rests a tavern called the Yawning Portal, named after the gaping pit in its common room. At the bottom of this crumbling shaft is a labyrinthine dungeon shunned by all but the most daring adventurers. Known as Undermountain, this dungeon is the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak. Long has the Mad Mage dwelt in these forlorn depths, seeding his lair with monsters, traps, and mysteries—to what end is a constant source of speculation and concern.

This adventure picks up where Waterdeep: Dragon Heist leaves off, taking characters of 5th level or higher all the way to 20th level should they explore the entirety of Halaster's home. Twenty-three levels of Undermountain are detailed herein, along with the subterranean refuge of Skullport. Treasures and secrets abound, but tread with care!


Page Index


Aasathra RaghthroknaarAbberochAgorra DuskaxeAhpokAkarrth ShadowduskAkith XornbaneAkoraAl'chaiaAlgarr GrimtideAltonrelAlussiarrAlybbrinAnchok MuzgardtAnderian DuskAngelicaArachnafein ZaphrorzzaArbezArcturiaArdulaceArtor MorlinAruutArrethArykAryxAshranthaxAstyrranthorAwmokAximusAzalAzgraAzrokBalrynBalwiiraBarthoBelethBeloraBeranica FrethBerlain ShadowduskBlazutrancBlorkBokk-NokkinBolgusBosskyn GorrbBrakkaBralithBranta MyntionBrekBrokBronaBryrthiaBulbormBulkarCal'al CladdaniCaldra CuttlefingersCalliaCaradocCassiok ShadowduskCazimirCephalosskChabbrisChanterellaCharinindiaChasmasChaszantarCopper StormforgeCoral BlackCrissannCrissann (displacer beast)DaarshDanafayDarribeth MeltimerDarum GhazDaundarak SteelfistDelvin StormshoreDerrion ShadowduskDeslarrDevianaDezmyr ShadowduskDhessrilDirzanna FrethDoomcrownDralkanaDran'l KenafinDribblespitDrinrith AuvryndarDrivvin FrethDroon StonedarkDruvaxDuldor DulorrnDumaraDuram GhazDurnanDurundraEilthymmarElan Tanor'thalElendarEllix GasparElthimarElvilac ZmirthEmberosaErelal FrethEreldra AbbathEshantEsvele RosznarEvilfingerEvirExcruthaExekarusExtremitonEzraEzriaEzvirEzzatEzzat's staff of frostFalain TlandrueFalthraFarrilFazrianFeldarFelraxFidelioFishbone JimFlootFornFlyndol GreethFralFrebFrekFumiraGarlynth IronheadGastonGeldax BreerGelgos ArgonraeGharz StonedarkGhirith NhilranGhorsoGlomGlorzGlysterGorka TharnGorthax AuvryndarGorzilGorzogGravillokGrazthraeGreechGreorxGrimdorGuffaw GravelstockGurgle BrineGyuddGz'zarpHaddon FleetfootHalaster BlackcloakHalastreeHalastronHalleth GarkeHarria ValashtarHatchrin Alet'tazHaungharasskHax"Headmaster"HectorHelgrzHelion MoonstarHelxrynHenkHexab Do'ettHexacaliHlonlokHloolHongHrazninHrokHrosskHuggybugHulziinHwahlIchthyglugIktarve UnsuttirIlanlue FrethIlmeiIlnor TelennaIlsubanInfernexusIngrittIpsesIr'rigoIshan ToruIymn VrindolinIzzatlabIzzorvirJalester SilvermaneJagtar UythrappJarana HammerstoneJarazkJarkorlJarrkJarûkJerathJevan Kron'tayneJhesiyra KestellharpJianJibber-JabberJoroth BrighthelmKaaltavKalabashKalanszarKalrogKarstisKastzanedesKavalraKavil MereshanterKazvarkKelimKeresta DelvingstoneKereth IchorzzaKevin GladriverKhafraKinrobKlangKliyuse the Skull CleaverKlom XornbaneKol'daanKorlaKorva ShadowduskKozrikKravosKreenaKritinayaKrivvenKr'risonKrodKrod(number two)Krung-JungKrystaleenKukethKumarKurlogK'yordredK'yorl Tanor'thalLamentLanderLerkLianaLiddie "Slurtongue" PeddlekantLlauzdrarLlaxdorl FrethLlezorna Do'ettLlorelve DalambraLorgaLorlynn ZmirthLlossulLulz KlangphornLurkanaLurrashMaddgothMakuMaleen ShadowduskMalgornMarambra NyghtsteelMarnaMarquoxMarta MoonshadowMelissara ShadowduskMelith AuvryndarMeridin HelviraeMerrily ShadowstepMeteoranzymMhavraMidna TauberthMiguelMircolar Do'ettMirrkMirtMizreen AbbathMobarMolkothMoltar Barrek'zornMornhyld CrystalmantleMraginarMranhaimMruuzdainMuathaMuiralMuzdrokNadia the UnbentNaldathNalkaraNarizmar Do'ettNarlithNarlosNathNephraenNerozarNesterNetherskullNezzaN'ghathrodNhilisstra ArgonraeNightshadeNimraithNishaNoolgaloopNorlNuraNylas JowdNyleene AuvryndarNystalancerObaya UdayObsidiaOleanderOlive StillwaterOlivia TallrushOlorgylOrl TelennaOrnOttoOznurPellanonia AuvryndarPeeta BrightmoonPhilomena GladriverPortia DzuthPraxPreeta KreepaProfessor BingProxnaPulkQuaveQuilolvirQuietudeQurrokRaajnaRabbitheadRaelpharRamdraxRanaghax AuvryndarRaxxusRestrynRex the HammerRezzRhamagantRhodosRhylzarRilna FrethRishindarRizrynRizzerylRojkarn IronheadRokRoseRoxindaRross HylarnRukhaRyldRyldgarRylzztSabatene XilzzrinSabatrin FrethSalamanthSalarrlSalt NoseSavirSaziqScintilmornSelphorn AmcathraSerakathSerenadeShanzoShardon UnderboughSharaunShindreer ArgonraeShunn ShurrethShynzal Tlin'orzzaSkella IroneyeSkrac BlackskullSkrianna ShadowduskSmoakcantSorkaSornnozzSpeleosaSpeleosa (duergar)Spirreth DalambraSpite HarrowdaleStalagma SteelshadowStormal VossSundethSunmervaSurlockSvillaSybileeSylkress AuvryndarSylvia FeatherstoneSyrrak ArgonraeSzorthTalabsyn FrethTalafaereTanimar FrethTarnvurTarzyrTasselgryn VelldarnTazirahc OussarTearulaiTebran MadannithTel'zactTendra NightbladeTezca-ZyanyaThaglar XundornThe AlchemistTheruThirza HelviirynThorvin TwinbeardThreestringsThubid DuskaxeThumrokThwad UnderbrewT'mekTobbleTorbitTorfianaTorgaTor GrayfellTra'zorrlTrenziaT'rissa AuvryndarT'rizzlinTrobriandTsabalinTsabdrar Do'ettTurbulenceUbrixUktarl KrannocUkzorraUmyatinUlgrethUlquessUlraelleUlvir Barek'zornUlvira SnowveinsUrlimarUrlonUrmUzalynUzwurnValdemarValtagar SteelshadowVanalfeinVanar FrethVaraunVarrn TelennaVenasorrnVentrid Xil'talanVertrand ShadowduskVesdarVhesaViolenceVlaadricVlissVlonwelv AuvryndarVolothamp GeddarmVondVorljas Imphiz'zalVrebbeth Imphiz'zalWardaWillWormriddleWullukWylynd MoonstarXandevalXaptal FrethXarann A'DaragonXarta MuzgardtXebekalXebrekXebylXelba ShunlightXindulusXirk Dezpeti'ilXlorpXortaXyrxian VandreeYangolYarekYargoth the BreakerYaroxYarshossYaveklarYaverosYazdriirnYekYeluitYerethYgarra UrmbaaltYoastalYriltonYrlakkaYrrlcheb BeltorzzaYrrprekYuinfeinYuriYzigZagraZail EphramZakthZaldoZalthar ShadowduskZarn KassifaxZelayaZelzzarfZilitsa IlvarrenZ'reskaZress Orlezziir"Zartem"ZaztorrlZelkZobZolcharrxZorak LightdrinkerZundra Underdottir
Referenced only
AbbathorAcamarAhghaironAlathene MoonstarAndvarran MoonstarArandraya ShadowduskAurilBahamutBaphometBerronar TruesilverBulba-SloppClangeddin SilverbeardDalagorDeep DuerraDendarDumathoinEilistraeeFalkir GravelfistGarrythGhaunadaurGithGorm GulthynHarlsnod DarkshineHorgar Steelshadow VJim DarkmagicJuiblexKiaransaleeKlaabuKressando RosznarKrickenhofLaduguerLaeral SilverhandLathanderLolthMaelweene ShadowduskMaglubiyetMalarMalykManshoonMaramba NyghtsteelMargaraste ShadowduskMarthammor DuinMelairMoradinMystraNimoarOghmaProfessor FigmentRantantarSelûneSelvetarmSharSkoraeus StonebonesSsethSyglaeth AudarkTanor'thal RefugeTharmekhûlThimblewineThrymTiamatTorhild FlametongueTormTyrUrgala MeltimerVanrak MoonstarVergadainVhaeraunVlaakithWakanga O'tamuWaukeenXerrion ShadowduskYarlithra ShadowduskZinzerenaZox ClammershamXanatharYinark


AarakocraAbolethAbominable yetiAir elementalAnkhegArbalestArcanalothAwakened shrubAwakened treeAzerBansheeBarbed devilBarlguraBasiliskBatBehirBeholderBeholder zombieBerserkerBlack bearBlack puddingBlue dragonBlue slaadBoarBone devilBone nagaBrass dragonBronze dragonBrown bearBugbearBuletteBullywugButterflyCarrion crawlerCaterpillarCave bearCentipedeChasmeChimeraChuulClay golemCloakerConstrictor snakeCouatlCricketCrystal golemDaoDarkmantleDeath dogDeath knightDeath slaadDeath tyrantDeep gnomeDemilichDevaDisplacer beastDoppelgangerDracolichDragonbornDriderDrowDrow elite warriorDrow mageDrow Priestess of LolthDuergarDwarfEfreetiElfElkEmpyreanEttercapEttinFire elementalFire giantfirefliesFlameskullFlesh golemFlumphFlying swordFomorianFrogGargoyleGas sporeGelatinous cubeGhastGhostGhoulGiant badgerGiant batGiant centipedeGiant crabGiant fire beetleGiant frogGiant lizardGiant poisonous snakeGiant ratGiant spider (flying) • Giant toadGiant waspGibbering moutherGithyanki gishGithyanki warriorGithzerai zerthGlabrezuGoatGoblinGoblin bossGold dragonGorgonGray oozeGray slaadGreen dragonGreen slaadGrellGrickGrick alphaGrimlockHalf-elfHalf-ogreHalf-orcHell houndHelmed horrorHezrouHobgoblinHobgoblin captainHobgoblin warlordHomunculusHook horrorHumanHydraIce devilIncubiIntellect devourerInvisible stalkerIron golemKenkuKoboldKuo-toaKuo-toa archpriestKuo-whipLava childLichLiving unseen servantLizardLizardfolkMagma mephitManticoreMaridMarilithMedusaMerfolkMezzolothMiniature giant space hamsterMind flayerMind flayer arcanistMinotaurMimicMinotaur skeletonMoleMoon elfMummyMummy lordMyconid adultMyconid sovereignMyconid sproutNalfeshneeNeothelidNight hagNothicNycalothOchre jellyOgreOgre zombieOniOrc war chiefOrogOtyughOwlbearPhase spiderPiercerPit fiendPlanetarQuadroneQuaggothQuaggoth spore servantQuasitQuipperRakshasaRatRavenRed dragonRemorhazRevenantRoperRust monsterSahuaginScaladarScorpionScoutSea hagShadowShadow assassinShadow demonShadow dragonShambling moundShield guardianShriekerSkeletonSlaad tadpoleSmoke mephitSpectatorSpecterSpiderSpirit nagaSteel dragonStirgeStonecloakStone giantStone golemSun elfTieflingTroglodyteTrollUlitharidUltrolothUmber hulkVrockWaspWater weirdWerebatWereratWhite dragonWightWill-ó-wispWorgWraithWyvernXornYochlolYuan-ti abominationZombie
NPC Classes
ArchmageAssassinBanditBandit captainChampionCommonerCult fanaticCultistMagePriestSpyThug
Referenced only
aardvarkaartukanimated armorbadgerblack dragonblue dragoncanarycatcockatricedingodolphindretchelder brainfroghemothgiant constrictor snakegiant space hamstergiant starfishgiant waspgold dragongoristrogriffonhorseiguanainfinity vinejammer leechlizardmedusamerrowmortissmothmousenalfeshneeoctopusoxpufferpurple wormrabbitred slaadrothesatyrscarabscorpionsea elfshrewstirgestorktoadtroutunicornyuan-ti pureblood


Armor & Clothing
apron • breastplate • bucket helm • eyepatch • skullcap
Books & Periodicals
Arcturia's Arcane Esoterica • Demonic Infestations • Longsaddle Sunset • Matrons of the Sunless Depths • Musings of a Planar Traveler • Out of the Inferno • Patterns in the Tapestry of Time • Tales of Existential Dread • Tenebrous and the True Path to Lichdom • The Ascension of Vlaakith • The Poison Chalice • The Spectrum of Multiversal Beliefs • The U'keth Prophecies • Touched by the Far Realm: A Wizard's Lamentable Descent into Lunacy • Whispers of a Bygone Truth
Food and drink
aartuk tongues • ale • amberjack • bread • butter • candied plums • carrion crawler soufflè • celery • cheese • Dried mortiss meat • eggs • flour • flumph stew • giant space hamster hocks • Goat's Head Ale • Halaster's Futuristic Frogmash • H'Cathan doom radishes • Infinity vine stalks • jerky • licorice • nuts • pepper • pickled jammer leeches • puffer steaks • saffron • shrieker pie • stirge loaf • stirge meat pie • tomato • vinegar • wine • wyrmwizz • zzar
amber • amethyst • aquamarine • banded agate • bloodstone • carnelian • chalcedony • citrine • coral • Eye of the Spider • garnet • hematite • jacinth • jade • jasper • lapis lazuli • malachite • moonstone • moss agate • onyx • peridot • quartz • ruby • sardonyx • spinel • star ruby • topaz • tourmaline • zircon
fiddle • flute • harpsichord • horn • kettle drum • tuba • viol
adamantine • ceramic • chalk • electrum • ivory • lime • lodestone • mortar • pewter • porcelain • spider silk
alchemist's fire • bitumen • elemental ooze • guano • ink • midnight tears • perfume • quicksand • salt • sand • sawdust • sulfur • talcum
Halaster's flying saucer • minecart • rowboat
Referenced only
astral ship • spelljammer
ballista • battleaxe • crossbow (hand crossbow) • javelin • morningstar • net • quarterstaff • revolver • scimitar • tangler grenade • war pick • warhammer
Referenced only
repeating crossbow
anvil • barrel • bladder • blanket • bowl • brazier • candle • candle mold • candle snuffer • candlestick • cauldron • chamber pot • chandelier • chisel • coffer • crucible • cutlery • doll • ear horn • easel • feather duster • hammock • jar • kettle • kettlebell • ladle • ladder (rope ladder) • manacles • map • mirror • mortar and pestle • music box • needle • oil lamp • pick • plate • platter • pouch • quill • rocking horse • Shockerstomper • shovel • Simulacrux • soap • spoon • stuffed toy • The Runestone • tongs • toothpick • whetstone
Referenced only
compass • fork • jack-o'-lantern



Buildings & Sites
Dalagor's FortressDark Harvest MarketDead Man's CornerDumathoin's JestFlagon and the DragonGyudd's DistilleryHeralds' MeetNightshade's CaressSargauth's BountySkull SquareThaglar's FoundryThe Bat's RoostThe Blank TankardThe Feathered RatThe Guts and GartersThe Keel HallThe Lanternlighter'sThe Overflowing UrnThe Poisoned QuillThe Sea ChestThe Sword and SextantThe Worm's GulletThimblewine's PawnshopTwinbeard's TrapsYawning Portal
Azrok's HoldWaterdeepSkullportStromkuhldur
Blue OpalScavenger
North, TheTorilRiver SargauthSkull IslandUnderdark
Citadel of the Bloody HandUndermountainVanrakdoom
Arcane ChambersArcturiadoomCaverns of OozeDungeon LevelDweomercoreLost LevelMaddgoth's CastleMaze LevelMuiral's GauntletObstacle CourseRunestone CavernsSargauth LevelSeadeepsShadowdusk HoldSlitherswampStardockTerminus LevelTroglodyte WarrensTwisted CavernsVanrakdoomWyllowwood
Referenced only
AelinthaldaarAhghairon's TowerAlterdeepAmphailAnadiaAstral PlaneAthasBlack JunglesBlackstaff TowerBryn ShanderCastle WardChandosColiarDaggerford Demonweb PitsElemental Plane of EarthElemental Plane of FireElemental Plane of WaterFar RealmFont of WonderGardenGlythGracklstughH'CathaHeroes' GardenHigh House of StarsHouse of WonderIcewind DaleIllefarnKarpriLimboLuskanMelairbodeMenzoberranzanMirabarMount WaterdeepMyth DrannorNeverlight GroveNimoar's HoldNine HellsNorthshield HouseOerthOuter PlanesPlane of MagmaShadowfellRashemenStone BridgeSunset MountainsSwamp of OblivionThe AbyssTears of SelûneThe SwordmaidenTorilTriboar


Amulet of proof against detection and locationArmor of resistanceBead of forceBlack crystal tabletBlast scepterBoots of elvenkindBoots of false tracksCalendar stoneCandle of invocationCandle of the deepchest of preservingChime of openingCirclet of blastingCirclet of human perfectionCloak of elvenkindCloak of the manta rayDagger of blindsightDagger of venomDecanter of endless waterDodecahedron of doomDread helmDust of disappearanceElemental gemFigurine of wondrous powerGauntlets of ogre powerGem of brightnessGem of seeingGloves of missile snaringHag eyeHeadband of intellectHorned ringHorn of the Endless MazeIoun stoneLuck bladeMace of smitingManual of gainful exerciseMariner's armorMithral armorNine lives stealerOrb of directionOrb of gongingPipe of smoke monstersPiwafwiPole of anglingPot of awakeningProfessor orbPropeller helmQuaal's feather tokenRobe of eyesRod of lordly mightRod of rulershipRope of climbingSending stoneSentinel shieldShield of the Uven RuneSovereign glueSpelljamming helmSpell scrollStaff of flowersStaff of frostStaff of powerStaff of thunder and lightningStardock rodSun bladeSword of sharpnessTome of clear thoughtWand of conductingWand of fireballsWand of magic detectionWand of secretsWand of the war mageWand of wonder
Referenced only
Horn of ValhallaNecklace of fireballs
Oil of slipperinessPotion of animal friendshipPotion of comprehensionPotion of diminutionPotion of fire breathPotion of fire resistancePotion of gaseous formPotion of giant strengthPotion of healingPotion of invisibilityPotion of longevityPotion of mind readingPotion of vitalityPotion of watchful restPotion of water breathing
AlarmAlter selfAnimate deadAnimate objectsAntimagic fieldAntipathy/sympathyArcane lockAstral projectionAuguryAwakenBanishmentBigby's handBlightBurning handsChain lightningCharm personChromatic orbCircle of deathClairvoyanceCloudkillCloud of daggersColor sprayComprehend languagesCone of coldConfusionConjure elementalContact other planeContinual flameCounterspellCreate undeadCrown of madnessDancing lightsDarkvisionDelayed blast fireballDetect magicDetect thoughtsDimension doorDisintegrateDispel magicDreamEarthquakeEnlarge/ReduceEtherealnessEvard's black tentaclesEyebiteFabricateFaerie fireFalse lifeFearFeather fallFeeblemindFeign deathFinger of deathFireballFlesh to stoneFlyFog cloudForcecageGaseous formGeasGreater restorationGreater invisibilityGlobe of invulnerabilityGlyph of wardingGreaseGust of windHallucinatory terrainHasteHeroes' feastHold monsterHold personHypnotic patternIce stormIdentifyImprisonmentIncendiary cloudInvisibilityJumpKnockLegend loreLeomund's secret chestLeomund's tiny hutLesser restorationLevitateLightLightning boltLocate creatureMage armorMage handmagic circleMagic jarMagic missileMagic mouthmagic weaponMass cure woundsMazeMelf's acid arrowMendingMeteor swarmMind blankMirror imageMisleadMisty stepModify memoryMordenkainen's faithful houndMordenkainen's magnificent mansionMordenkainen's private sanctumMordenkainen's swordNondetectionOtiluke's resilient sphereOtto's irresistible dancePasswallPhantasmal killerPlanar bindingPlane shiftPolymorphPower word, killPower word, stunPrestidigitationPrismatic sprayPrismatic wallPurify food and drinkRaise deadRary's telepathic bondRay of enfeeblementRay of frostRay of sicknessRemove curseReverse gravityRope trickScryingSee invisibilitySeemingSendingShieldSimulacrumSleepSleet stormSpeak with animalsSpeak with deadSpider climbStinking cloudStone shapeStoneskinSuggestionSymbolTasha's hideous laughterTelekinesisTeleportTeleportation circleTenser's floating diskTime stopTonguesTransport via plantsTrue polymorphtrue seeingUnseen servantWall of fireWall of forceWall of iceWall of stoneWater breathingWebWeirdWishWitch boltWord of recall


Abbath • A'Daragon • Alet'taz • Amcathra • Argonrae • House Auvryndar • Barrek'zorn • Beltorzza • Blacktongue tribe • Church of Shar • Clan Blackskull • Clan Brighthelm • Clan Crystalmantle • Clan Darkshine • Clan Duskaxe • Clan Ghaz • Clan Grayfell • Clan Hammerstone • Clan Ironeye • Clan Ironhead • Clan Klangphorn • Clan Muzgardt • Clan Shunlight • Clan Steelfist • Clan Steelshadow • Clan Stonedark • Clan Stormforge • Clan Tharn • Clan Thurumbra • Clan Underbrew • Clan Underdottir • Clan Unsuttir • Clan Urmbaalt • Clan Xornbane • Clan Xundorn • Cult of Shar • Fine Fellows of Daggerford • Dalambra • Dezpeti'il • Do'ett • Freth • Harpers • Hylarn • Ichorzza • Imphiz'zal Kenafin • Kron'tayne • Legion of Azrok • Lords' Alliance • Masked Lords of Waterdeep • Madannith • Moonstar • Ordning • Orlezziir • Oussar • Rosznar • Rustbone tribe • Shadowdusk • Shurreth • The Sing-Alongs • Spires of the Morning • Ssethian Scourges • Tanor'thal • Telenna • Tlin'orzza • Undertakers • Vandree • Vrindolin • Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors • Xanathar Guild • Xil'talan • Xilzzrin • Zaphrorzza • Zhentarim • Zmirth
Referenced only
Arcane Brotherhood • Clan Flametongue • Clan Gravelfist • Clan Melairkyn • Falkir's Fist



936 DR1071 DR1104 DR1130 DR1171 DR1182 DR1355 DR1436 DR1531 DRBattle of Emridy MeadowsCrown WarsSpellplague
Bwaelan Dro
barrelstalkbluecapdaisymossrhubarbripplebarktimmasktrillimactongue of madnesswychwoodzurkhwood



  1. Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, but Christopher Perkins answered a question via Twitter and stated the year was 1492 DR. Corroborating this, Dragon Heist page 20 refers to events of Death Masks (set in 1491 DR) as being "last year". Unless a canon source contradicts this assertion, this wiki will use 1492 DR for events related to this sourcebook and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (which is referenced on pages 5 and 98 of Dragon Heist).


Further Reading[]


5th Edition Sourcebooks
Core Rulebooks Dungeon Master's GuideMonster ManualPlayer's Handbook
Sourcebooks Acquisitions IncorporatedBigby Presents: Glory of the GiantsThe Book of Many ThingsFizban's Treasury of DragonsMordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the MultiverseMordenkainen's Tome of FoesSword Coast Adventurer's GuideTasha's Cauldron of EverythingVan Richten's Guide to RavenloftVolo's Guide to MonstersXanathar's Guide to Everything
Adventures Baldur's Gate: Descent into AvernusCurse of StrahdHoard of the Dragon QueenIcewind Dale: Rime of the FrostmaidenOut of the AbyssPhandelver and Below: The Shattered ObeliskPlanescape: Adventures in the MultiversePrinces of the ApocalypseSpelljammer: Adventures in SpaceStorm King's ThunderThe Rise of TiamatTomb of AnnihilationVecna: Eve of RuinWaterdeep: Dragon HeistWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad MageThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Starter Sets Dungeons & Dragons Starter SetDungeons & Dragons Essentials KitDungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2022)
Anthologies Tales from the Yawning PortalGhosts of SaltmarshCandlekeep MysteriesJourneys Through the Radiant CitadelKeys from the Golden Vault
Supplements Elemental Evil Player's Companion
Playtest Confrontation at CandlekeepDead in ThayGhosts of Dragonspear CastleLegacy of the Crystal ShardMurder in Baldur's GateReclaiming BlingdenstoneScourge of the Sword CoastStorm over NeverwinterVault of the Dracolich