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Waterdeep and the North is a 1st-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons accessory for the Forgotten Realms.

The North...rugged mountains and dense forests, which hide many beings hostile to man (who has settled here but lightly). Many dungeons and ruins also lie hidden in the Northern wastes, relics of the former splendor of the dwarven kingdoms, now lost and abandoned, and of earlier, fallen kingdoms of men.

Waterdeep...crossroads of the world, City of Splendors. Here are wealth and goods from every corner of the Realms, intrigue and feuds and important personages of rank and influence. From the many-spired towers of Piergeiron's Palace to the littered alleys of "the Docks," this book introduces you to the living, ever-changing city of Waterdeep, and suggests many adventures therein.

Partake of the sights, the bustle, and the intrigue—rub shoulders with the powerful and famous—feast your eyes on fabled treasures. Hear tales in the taverns such as can be heard nowhere else in all the world—but keep your weapons ready and your wits sharp. Oh, and above all... enjoy your stay.[2]


Waterdeep and the North was written by Ed Greenwood, with cover art by Keith Parkinson, and interior illustrations by Chris Miller. It was published by TSR in 1987 as a 64-page booklet with a large color map and an outer folder. Editing was by Karen S. Martin, and the supplement features heraldic escutcheons by David E. Martin and cartography by Frey Graphics and David C. Sutherland III. The City System product is intended as a companion to this volume.

Waterdeep and the North includes a large color map of the city, wrapped in a removable six-paneled gatefold cover. The map includes 281 locations in Waterdeep, detailed descriptions of 42 city guilds, brief info on 78 noble families with heraldry, and profiles of 43 NPCs with their typical locations The outside gatefold contains a 33" x 21" map of Waterdeep with major street names and a representation of the harbor, the inside front cover has a map of the city's known sewers, and the inside back cover has diagrams of basic floorplans that might be found throughout the city.

The book presents a brief geographical overview of the city, followed by its history. It also describes the laws and customs of the city, as well as its various guilds and factions. The book concentrates on providing a feel for life in the city, and gives descriptions for only a small number its buildings in any great detail. Waterdeep and the North provides a look at the workings of the city, details on its noble families, outlines of its various wards, and details on the services available. The city's guilds are detailed, including the locations of their headquarters, their livery, criteria for membership, and various interests and political connections. The book includes a number of NPCs of various levels and classes, all of whom can be used to interact with a band of adventurers as adversaries, friends, or people met during the daily routine of the city.

A map and some material from this book were removed prior to publication. This material was later published in Dragon #128, "Welcome to Waterdeep".[5]


  • How to Use This Book
  • Chapter 1: An Introduction to the North
  • Chapter 2: An Introduction to the City of Waterdeep
  • Chapter 3: The City Wards
  • Chapter 4: Life in the City
  • Chapter 5: The Guilds and Factions of the City
  • Chapter 6: Noble Families of Waterdeep
  • Chapter 7: Selected Non-Player Characters of Waterdeep
  • Chapter 8: Beginning a Campaign in Waterdeep
  • Chapter 9: Adventures in Waterdeep


Click here for page index


Adanac Harpell • Adbar • Aflame • Ahghairon • Alahar Khaumfros • Alathann Ruil • Aletha Samprava • Aluar Zendos • Alusair Nacacia • Alustriel • Anacaster • Asper • Aszundar Zel • Avbrauve Haltorel • Azoulin Wolfwind • Azoun Obarskyr IV • Baalbaas Partall • Baerhar Surtlan • Baerlos Dunthar • Balthorr • Bamaal Dunster • Belihands Maskar • Blazidon One-Eye • Brace Ulmemur • Brathan Zilmer • Brian the Swordmaster • Buirholdan Skordar • Buldos Durinbold • Caladorn Cassalanter • Chuldan Helmstar • Coril • Dablor Zimmulstern • Dagsumn • Dannath Lisosar • Darion Sulmest • Dartheema • Deljasaa Rammathor • Djassar • Dumal Erard • Dunbold Laraeikan • Dundold Buldharroaz • Durnan • Duromil • Ehlemm Zoar • Elaith Craulnobur • Elastul Raurym • Elemos Dunblast • Estrip Rosznar • Falloor Malthind • Faurael Blackhammer • Felthauvin Mirrarmul • Elgorel • Filiare • Firebeak • Flambos Axemaster • Gaultham Longtoes • Gaundos • Geildarr • Geladar Nithrim • Ghaurin • Greeme • Haerlit Thomm • Haeromos Dothwintyl • Hala Myrt • Haladan • Halassiter Ahrlan • Hallthor Duzmund • Halthos Blund • Harazos Thelbrimm • Harbromm • Hawkun Orsund • Helve Urtrace • Helm Dwarf-friend • Hest Sciprar • Hilithimm Turnstone • Hlam • Hlintas Urtel • Hulmm • Iirkos Stoneshoulder • Ilimar Chantreth • Ilph • Iltmul • Jannaxil Serpentil • Janszobur • Japhyl Cragsmere • Jasril Malakar • Jaster Thul • Jeldeth Khondar • Jelhuld Alaer • Jemuril • Jhalassan Thond • Jhalossan Turnstone • Jhauntar Olmhazan • Jheldarr Boaldegg • Jhoysil Samprava • Jurisk Ulhammond • Jygil Zelnathra • Kalahar Twohands • Kappiyan Flurmastyr • Kellatarn Nander • Kelvar Helmfast • Khelben Arunsun • Kriiador • Kriios Halambar • Laeral • Laeros Assumbar • Larissa Neathal • Lathchar • Lhorar Gildeggh • Lhund Dhaeromos • Loene • Lylar Emveolstone • Maaril • Madeiron Sunderstone • Maersar Rillithar • Malchor Harpell • Malutt Mauksoun • Marlus Eirontalar • Marune • Maskar Wands • Maxeene Rhiosann • Mellor Rhagust • Mintiper Moonsilver • Mirt • Mistmaster • Mistmyr Iroan • Morathin Belmonder • Mulgor • Myrmith Splendon • Nain Keenwhistler • Nairith Irizar • Nanathlor Greysword • Nanitha • Naneatha Lhaurilstar • Nasher Alagondar • Nather • Neruudan • Nimoar • Nuthos Eagleshield • Nymara Scheiron • Obould • Orbos Husteem • Orgul Telethar • Orlpar Husteem • Ormbras Delzord • Ott Steeltoes • Orsabbas • Paerro • Pelindar Filmarva • Phalantar Orivan • Phintarn • Piergeiron • Rahannsoz Burihildar • Raurlor • Razaar Slissin • Relchoz Hriiat • Rhazbos Redbridle • Riyataivin • Rugglar Tossarim • Rulathon • Sammereza Sulphontis • Sarjak Belszour • Savengriff • Shadowcloak • Shalrin Meraedos • Shindia Darkeyes • Shyrrhr • Slan Thurbel • Slink Monteskor • Strogue Sstar • Stromquil Halazar • Sumer • Surroplh Hlakken • Tantuss Shieldsun • Tessalar Hulicorm • Tessarin Alaraun • Texter • Thear Chessar • Thesp Eltorchul • Thianos • Thoss Balein • Thurve Thentavva • Torst Urlivan • Tresh Lanngolyn • Turvon • Tzarrakyn • Tzarrakyn the Younger • Ulmar • Ulmrin • Ulraen Caulbor • Unthril Zond • Vanthorm • Varbrace Zaalen • Vedellen Hawkhand • Velstrode • Wulve Raaikyn • Xanathar • Xorla Djannas • Yuldar • Zabardan Barpar • Zelderan Guthel • Zelphar Arunsun • Zhaegos • Zorind Tulwynd • Zorondar Riautar • Zulgoss Helberad • Zulmark Korathar • Zzundar Thul


ankheg • barracuda • beholder • bugbear • cambion • cattle • clay golem • crab • crocodile, giant • crow • death knight • demon • devil • dolphin • dracolich • drow • dwarf • eagle • eel • fish (shalass • szorp) • frost giant • gargoyle • gnome • goblinoids (goblin • hobgoblin) • griffon • half-elf • half-orc • halfling • hippogriff • homonculus • horse • ice spider • illithid • intellect devourer • iron golem • kobold • korred • lizard men • mermen • moon elf • mouse • oxen • pegasus • penanggalan • pigeon • quasit • remorhaz • sahuagin • shark • sheep • treant • trolls • unicorn • yeti • Walking Statues of Waterdeep • warhorse • wind steed • will-o'-wisp • wyvern • zombie
Referenced only
Sewer Encounters


Bodies of Water
Hills & Mountains
Landmarks & Sites
Amn • Calimshan • Cormyr • Delzoun • Eaerlann • Evereska • Halruaa • Fallen Kingdom • Netheril • Sembia • Tashalar • Tethyr • Thay
Referenced only
Astral Plane • Ethereal Plane • Lower Planes • Nine Hells • Olympus • Outer Planes
The Emerald Dragon


Businesses & Shops
Dungeons, Crypts, Tombs, and Vaults
Castles & Forts
Castle Waterdeep • Citadel of the Mists • Herald's Holdfast • High Palace • Hall of Sparkling Stones • Piergeiron's Palace
Guild Halls
Towers, Civic
Towers, Residential


Alleys of Waterdeep
Courts of Waterdeep
Streets of Waterdeep
Adder Lane • Andammar's Street • Asteril's Way • Beacon Street • Belnimbra's Street • Belzound Street • Blackstar Lane • Book Street • Burdaq Lane • Burnt Wagon Way • Calamastyr's Lane • Candle Lane • Carters' Way • Cedar Street • Chasso's Trot • Coach Street • Coachlamp Lane • Cod Lane • Copper Street • Cymbril's Walk • Delzorin Street • Dock Street • Drovers' Street • Fillet Lane • Gaustus Street • Gem Street • Golden Serpent Street • Gothal Street • Grimwald's Way • Hassantyr's Street • High Road (Waterdeep) • Horn Street • Ilzantil Street • Irimar's Walk • Ironpost Street • Ivory Street • Julthoon Street • Lamp Street • Marlar's Lane • Mendever Street • Mhalsymber's Way • Nelnuk's Walk • Nethpranter's Street • Nindabar Street • Presper Street • Pressbow Lane • Rainrun Street • River Street • Rivon Street • Salabar Street • Sambril Lane • Sammarin's Street • Scroll Street • Seawatch Street • Selduth Street • Sevenlamps Cut • Sharra's Flight • Shesstra's Street • Shield Street • Ship Street • Simples Street • Sleepers' Walk • Slipstone Street • Slop Street • Slut Street • Snail Street • Soldiers' Street • Soothsayer's Way • Spindle Street • Street of Bells • Street of Glances • Street of Silver • Street of the Turks • Street of the Sword • Street of Whispers • Sul Street • Sulmor Street • Telshambra's Street • Tharleon Street • Theln Lane • Toalar's Lane • Tower March • Tower Trail • Tulmaster's Street • Vellarr's Lane • Vhezoar Street • Vondil Street • Wall Way • Walltower Walk • Watchmens' Way • Waterdeep Way • Warriors' Way • Way of the Dragon • Whaelgund Way • Whaelognond Way • The Wide Way
Roads outside of Waterdeep


carpet of flying • crystal ball • decanter of endless water • horn of Valhalla • The Kiss of the Goddess
Psionic Abilities
domination • probability travel • psionic blast
divination • dweomercraft • material component • spellbook


Adventuring Companies
The Blue Mask • Company of the Black Hand • Company of the Claw • Company of Crazed Venturers • Men of the Knife • The Riders of the Night
Civic Organizations
City Watch • Magisters of Waterdeep (Black Robes)
Criminal Organizations
Druidic Circles
Clan Chessar • Harpell
Baker's Guild • Carpenters', Roofers', & Plaisterers' Guild • Cellarers' & Plumbers' Guild • Coopers' Guild • Council of Farmer-Grocers • Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, & Choristers • Dungsweepers' Guild • Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen • Fellowship of Bowers and Fletchers • Fellowship of Innkeepers • Fellowship of Salters, Packers, and Joiners • Fishmongers' Fellowship • Guild of Apothecaries & Physicians • Guild of Butchers • Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters • Guild of Fine Carvers • Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, and Speculum-Makers • Guild of Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, & Tile-Makers • Guild of Trusted Pewterers and Casters • Guild of Watermen • Jewelers' Guild • Launderers' Guild • League of Basketmakers & Wickerworkers • League of Skinners & Tanners • Master Mariners' Guild • Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths & Metalforgers • Most Diligent League of Sail-Makers and Cordwainers • Most Excellent Order of Weavers & Dyers • Order of Cobblers & Corvisers • Order of Master Shipwrights • Order of Master Taylors, Glovers, and Mercers • Saddlers' and Harness-makers' Guild • Scriveners, Scribes, & Clerks Guild • Solemn Order of Recognized Furriers and Woolmen • Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths • Stablemasters' & Farriers' Guild • Stationers Guild • Surveyors', Map & Chart-Makers' Guild • Vintners', Distillers', & Brewers' Guild • Wagonmakers' and Coach Builders' Guild • Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors • Wheelwrights' Guild
Mercenary Companies
Military Organizations
Noble Families
Adarbrent • Agundar • Amcathra • Ammakyl • Anteos • Artemel • Assumbar • Belabranta • Bladesemmer • Brokengulf • Brossfeather • Cassalanter • Cragsmere • Crommor • Dezlentyr • Durinbold • Eagleshield • Eirontalar • Eltorchul • Emveolstone • Estelmer • Gauntyl • Gildeggh • Gost • Gralhund • Gundwynd • Hawkwinter • Helmfast • Hiilgauntlet • Hothemer • Hunabar • Husteem • Ilitul • Ilvastarr • Ilzimmer • Irlingstar • Jardeth • Jhansczil • Kormallis • Kothont • Lanngolyn • Lathkule • Maerklos • Maernos • Majarra • Manthar • Margaster • Melshimber • Moonstar • Nandar • Nesher • Phull • Phylund • Piiradost • Raventree • Roaringhorn • Rosznar • Ruldegost • Silmerhelve • Snome • Stormweather • Sultlue • Talmost • Tarm • Tchazzam • Tesper • Thann • Thongolir • Thorp • Thunderstaff • Ulbrinter • Urmbrusk • Wands • Wavesilver • Zoar • Zulpair • Zun
Political Organizations
Spy Organizations


Bhaal • Brandobaris • Gond • Helm • Lathander • Milil • Moradin • Mielikki • Mystra • Oghma • Selûne • Silvanus • Sune • Tapann • Tempus • Tyr • Vergadain


Armor & Clothing
apron • baldric • belts • bodice • boots • breeches • chainmail • cloak • clog • full plate • gauntlet • glove • gown • jewelry • leather armor • mask • robes • sash • scale armor • signet ring • spectacle • stomacher • surcoat • suspenders • stirrup
Art & Literature
calligraphy • filigree • Items of the Power Arcane
assassin • barbarian • cavalier • cleric • druid • enchanter • fighter • illusionist • magic-user (wizard) • monk • necromancer • paladin • ranger • thief • thief-acrobat
Fields of Study
architecture • astrology • astronomy • cryptography • geography • mineralogy • numerology
Food & Drinks
beer • bread • cider • pickle • rations • sausage • wine • zzar
Referenced only
anchor • backpack • barrel • bell • book • boot jack • bowl • bugle • candle • candlestick • carving knife • chain • chisel • dice • harness • hinge • hook • horseshoe • ink • lamp • lateen • lens • lock • magnifying glass • map • needle • net • oil • pen • pick • pouch • rope • saddle • scabbard • scroll • shovel • skinning knife • smith's tools • soap • spike • strongbox • tapestry • tongs • torch • wire • yoke
Referenced only
Materials & Substances
brass • clay • copper • dung (manure) • dye • electrum • fertilizer • glass • gold • granite • hemp (fabric) • ink • lamp oil • leather • lime • marble • mithril • mortar • nickel • obsidian • paper (parchment • scrip) • perfume • pewter • pitch • platinum • salt • sand • sandpaper • sealing wax • silk • silver • suede • vellum • wool
accounting • apothecary • bookkeeping • bounty hunter • cartography • courtesan • hiresword • limning • moneylending • pilgrim • shipwright • wheelwright
barley • felsul • fungi • herb • mold • seaweed • suth • tobacco • willow • zalantar
caravel • carriage • cog • galley • litter • skiff • sledge • sleigh • raker • striker (ship) • trotting cart • wagon • war nao
arrow • ballista • battleaxe • bolt • broadsword • catapult • crossbow • dagger • dart • flail • garrot • handaxe • lance • lasso • longbow • long sword • mace • pole arm • quarterstaff • sap • scimitar • short sword • spear • warhammer



  • Design and Development: Ed Greenwood
  • Product Coordination: Jeff Grubb
  • Editing: Karen S. Martin
  • Cover Art: Keith Parkinson
  • Interior Art: Chris Miller
  • Maps: Frey Graphics and David Sutherland
  • Heraldic Escutcheons: David E. Martin
  • Typography: Kim Janke
  • Keylining: Stephanie Tabat


See Also[]


  1. Page 14 of this sourcebook states that the news provided in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set, " current [to this book] as of early Mirtul, in the Year of the Prince.

Further Reading[]

External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Ed Greenwood (1987). Waterdeep and the North. (TSR, Inc), p. 1. ISBN 0-88038-490-5.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ed Greenwood (1987). Waterdeep and the North. (TSR, Inc). ISBN 0-88038-490-5.
  3. Ed Greenwood (1987). Waterdeep and the North. (TSR, Inc), p. 14. ISBN 0-88038-490-5.
  4. Shannon Appelcline. FR1 Waterdeep and the North (1e). Dungeon Masters Guild. Retrieved on 2014-01-08.
  5. Skip Williams (September 1990). “Sage Advice”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Dragon #161 (TSR, Inc.), p. 88.