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Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Wedonai was a Chultan of the Tabaxi tribe in the late 14th century DR who died while on an expedition in the Shining Sea.[1]


In the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR,[1] sometime around the month of Flamerule, a group of eccentric entertainers, entrepreneurs, and scientists embarked upon a colonizing expedition to an island they discovered in the Shining Sea off the coast of Chult, which they dubbed the "Forgotten Island". Led by a charismatic Waukeenar priest named Devlin, they sought to create a tourist attraction on the isle that would attract wealthy people from all across the Realms.[2] Three months later, things began to go awry for the expedition.[3] On Marpenoth 5, Wedonai and a strong fighter by the name of Argus were patrolling the island when they came across the horrifically mutilated corpse of a stegosaurus. Wedonai would go on to express concerns about angered forest spirits, whilst Angus would tell Devlin that the creature's wounds suggested an attack from another dinosaur.[1]

On Marpenoth 11, five velociraptors attacked the expedition site's messhall and both men aided in fending them off, though Argus would die in the process. The next day Wedonai left with the half-elf scout Jarkus and the mage Briella Farthing to check on the Sacred Heart of the Beast,[1] an ancient Sunite relic the expedition had brought with them that was supposed to have tamed and made docile all of the animals on the island.[2] By Marpenoth 15, they reached the summit of the volcano where the relic had been set up, encountering the hierophant druid Baerwald, who engaged them in a conversation about how their group was threatening the balance of nature on the island and should depart. The discussion went on to take a violent turn and both Jarkus and Wedonai tried to attack the druid, but were ultimately immobilized[1] and left trapped within a cavern beneath the island that was home to a colony of olive slimes.[4]

Sometime between then and Marpenoth 23,[1] the two men died from the olive slimes and metamorphosed into slime creatures. Their prone bodies were later discovered by a group of adventurers hired by Briella's father Maskin. The two bodies sprung to life as the adventurers got close to them and had to be fought off, finally ending their existence.[4]



Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), pp. 20–21.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), pp. 2, 4.
  3. Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 2.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), pp. 11–12.