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West Harbor was a small village near the southern end of the Mere of Dead Men along the Sword Coast.


West Harbor map

A map showing the location of West Harbor in the Mere of Dead Men.

West Harbor is located in Mere of Dead Men, south of Highcliff. Near the village is the portal of Illefarn ruins. The swamp also made West Harbor's farmland incredibly fertile and more than enough crops were grown to sustain the village.[1]


Due to its swampy terrain and annual harvest festival where the inhabitants compete against each other to win prizes in tests of skill, the villagers of West Harbor (referred to as "Harbormen") were renowned in the lands surrounding them for their natural toughness. This put them in high demand for positions as guards and military service. In addition, they tended their fields with care, since most worshiped Chauntea. However, they were a shy people.


Unfortunately, West Harbor has been destroyed twice, both times in recent memory. Once, when the King of Shadows first attacked Neverwinter and again several decades later when it was revisited by Ammon Jerro. But the village was resilient and it was rebuilt one again by the swamp-inhabiting survivors of the Shadow War. The returned village was known for its Harvest Mead beverage brewed in West Harbor's brewery.[2]

In its time, West Harbor has produced several notable people, including Marshal Cormick of the Neverwinter City Watch and Lorne Starling. Most notable of all however, was the adventurer who eventually defeated the King of Shadows, the Kalach-Cha.[1]

Sometime after the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Lazlo Buckman, mayor of the village, stroke a protection deal with the black dragon twins. Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendor received the town's famous Harvest Mead in exchange for keeping the swamp's dangers at bay. However, the deal was broken and the dragons began threatening West Harbor. The village mage Tarmas set out to infiltrate the dragons' den further into the swamps but ended up disappearing – captured and locked away. A group of the village militiamen set out to retrieve the wizard. However, the man they rescued was one of the dragons who used polymorph magics to infiltrate West Harbor in Tarmas's guise.[2]

Luckily, a band of adventurers who sought to establish a trading post in West Harbor became involved. They ventured deeper into the caves and eventually found gaunt and beaten Tarmas still in a cage. He was rescued and brought safely to West Harbor, where the dragons confronted the town's defenders issuing an ultimatum – Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendor would take over the town and its mead production or the town would be razed. Even though it remained unknown wether West Harbor defeated the dragons or was claimed by its new draconic masters, it was said that as years passed, West Harbor was lost to time, slowly consumed by the swamp.[2]

Rumors and Legends[]

It was here where the battle against the King of Shadows was fought. The remnant was a shadowy portion of the ground at the center of the village where Ammon Jerro clashed the Sword of Gith against the King of Shadows. Also, it was here where the Kalach-Cha grew up.



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir


