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The Wheloon natives were a group of Wheloon Prisoners in the late 15th century DR. They were made up of those innocent Whelunites who were caught in the creation of the prison, with no ties to crime or Sharran worship.[1][note 1]

They talk about what a noble kingdom Cormyr is supposed to be. Would a truly noble kingdom build a thing like Wheloon Prison?
— Wheloon native


Where to start? The Morninglords are making a fuss about some of the prisoners — they insist that some of these Wheloon natives are innocent, and are being attacked by the other convicts.
— Constal Davny Selkin

The group was led by Seth Wentalle, and Georg Vallis served as a trader of sorts. The Morninglords who attended the prison worked with the natives whenever possible.[1]

Base of Operations[]

Wheloon culverts camp

A camp in the drainage culverts.

The new prisoners have constantly warred against the Wheloon natives ever since the prison opened. The natives have been driven back to two strongholds — a fortified compound near Harvest Hall, and the Drainage Culverts that connect to it.

The Wheloon natives lived in two main areas. The first was a compound attached to Harvest Hall that had a large wooden palisade and barricades, and grew crops in garden beds to support the group. The second was a scattering of camps and crude settlements hidden in the Wheloon drainage culverts, which also grew mushrooms. While Harvest Hall was secure, the underground was far less safe and depended more on its obscurity to survive.[1]

The priestess of Amaunator Karie Leddle knew of secret sewer passages to more easily reach them at Harvest Hall, and her fellow priestess Adara Semple used Harvest Hall as a base for her crusade against darkness.[1]


Wheloon Prison was created when the King found out that many of the townspeople were secret Shar worshipers planning treason against Cormyr.
Yet some of the people who were imprisoned were not actually Shar worshipers, just friends and relatives who were completely ignorant of the plot against the King.
— Faline Abbot

When the city was turned into a prison in 1473 DR by King Foril,[2][3] an unknown but sizable number of innocent people were trapped within the walls alongside the Sharrans. Without the ability to plead their case, they organized around the temple of Chauntea, the Harvest Hall, and set about protecting themselves from the more violent Sharrans and other criminals that were placed alongside them.[1]

Around the time of the Shadovar invasion of Wheloon, the Wheloon natives were hard-pressed as the balance of power was upset and the other criminal gangs began looking for easy targets. A gang led by Porto, Athea, and Aramiya Troise took aim at the natives and sought to overrun their camps in the Wheloon sewers. Before they managed this, the Purple Dragon knight Faline Abbot sent reinforcements from outside the prison to investigate, ultimately defeating the Troise gang and saving the natives.[1]

Though the criticism of the prison intensified, it took until Lady Marsheena's conquest of the city in 1486 DR for the locals to be freed.[4]



  1. Fall of the Night Brigade makes no reference to the events of Shadowfell Conspiracy, and could be set before, during, or after it, roughly during the mid-1480s DR.


