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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Wild Pastures was a plot of lush and wild land used as dangerous pastures by the shepherds of Liam's Hold.[1]

I can understand why the shepherds bring their herds here. It may be a dangerous wilderness, but it is lush indeed."


The area was lush with untamed vegetation, perfect to be used as cattle feed. Small streams ran through the pastures and a small lake provided the domesticated beasts with fresh water, as well as shepherds with fish. A small fishing dock was built on the eastern side of the lake. The pastures were surrounded by thick outcroppings of forest and huge willows stood perched on the sides of the lake and streams.[1]

Several small stone huts were built around the Wild Pastures. These humble structures occasionally served as homes for folk but most of then time served to shelter shepherds from weather.[1]

Flora & Fauna[]

The pastures were often filled with cows, oxen, mostly human shepherd and their loyal shepherd dogs. The wild lands were dangerous due to bears, wolves, worgs, goblinoids, trolls of Trollbark Forest, and an occasional roc attacking cattle. However, the most dire danger to travelers came in the form of cow chips, spread around like mines and traps in a nobleman's vault.[1]

Some unknown massive beast once died in the Wild Pastures, leaving behind only its giant skull that laid by the pasture's pond.[1]


Wild Pastures cow

Wild Pastures' main inhabitants.

In 1372 DR, a series of mysterious cattle disappearances plagues the shepherd of the Wild Pastures. Desperate for help, the folk of Liam's Hold sent Hevesar Dimpet to ask the guard of Daggerford for help. Unable to find it, Hevesar asked an adventurer for aid, the hero who later would become known as the Hero of Daggerford. Following an investigation, the Hero witnessed strange giggling and a cow disappearing right in the middle of the daylight. Following tracks mysterious perpetrates left behind, the Hero descended into a cave, discovering a tribe of cowardly goblins who used a magical brew to turn cattle invisible and leading them to be slaughtered and consumed. The goblins served orcish and tanarukka hordes of devil Gorgomorz who was assembling forces to attack Daggerford. The cow thievery was not approved by the tanarukka and their leaders as the goblin greed and stupidity led to the locals hiring adventurers to investigate and endangered the weapon supply for the demon army. The tanarukka were ordered to slaughter half the goblins as a lesson.[1]


  • Ivrin: a shepherd owner of Betty in 1372 DR.[1]
  • Lavna: one of the several shepherds who tended the Wild Pastures circa 1372 DR.[1]
  • Old One-Eye: a huge and cunning worg who preyed on Wild Pastures' cattle circa 1372 DR.[1]
  • Jerick: a shepherd and Hevesar Dimpet's brother in law circa 1372 DR.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

