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Winter Wine was a type of wine crafted in the North. It was also sold through Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue.[1]


This purplish wine was made after allowing the grapes to freeze on the vine. Winter Wine was was typically served in small portions with dessert since it was strong and sweet. It also had a slight spicy tone.[1]

Winter wines also had a higher alcoholic content achieved by the wines poured in wide containers in freezing temperatures. The ice that formed was removed, making the drink more concentrated than regular wines.[2]


Winter Wines were sold by the Feldepost's Inn of Beregost in the Western Heartlands at two gold coins per serving.[3] The Jade Dancer festhall in Waterdeep served a drink called the Fool's Thirst-Quencher that was mixed with winter wine.[4]

Along Delimbiyr River, in the town of Julkoun, winter wines were served at the Jester's Pride inn,[5] as well as in the Dusty Hoof inn of Scornubel.[6]

Winter wines were most commonly seen across menus and tankards in the North Faerûn and the Savage Frontier. Virtually all taverns of the town of Nesmé carried winter wines.[7] The Blue Bottle winery of Silverymoon sold local winter wines,[8] while Sundabar's tobacconist merchant - the Old Fireblower Pouch & Pipe Shop, used winter wine along with other ingredients as additives to their tobacco leaves.[9] The Dessarin Valley town of Uluvin also had winter wines as a staple of the Black Bull's Tail tavern.[10]

Storm Silverhand was known to grow grapes and produce her own winter wine in her Shadowdale home.[11]

Athkatlan Mithrest Inn offered Winter Wine to its patrons.[12]


Winter Wine could be purchased in the following containers:[1]

  • Hand keg (7 sp)
  • Cask (33 sp)
  • Barrel (8 gp)
  • Butt (26 gp)
  • Tun (65 gp)



Video Games
Baldur's Gate series (Baldur's GateBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn)Icewind DaleIcewind Dale: Heart of Winter

