Wizard's Spell Compendium Volume Three is the third in a series of four 2nd edition books containing a vast collection of wizard spells. It was published in March 1998.
The Wizard's Spell Compendium is a four-volume series describing every wizard spell for the AD&D® game. Spells have been collected from rule books, campaign settings, supplements, adventures, and magazines dating back to 1975. Early entries have been updated to be immediately usable, making this the player's and DM's definitive source for wizard spells.
Note: This list includes spells that are not considered canon in the Forgotten Realms setting
- Monster summoning I
- Monster summoning II
- Monster summoning III
- Monster summoning IV
- Monster summoning V
- Monster summoning VI
- Monster summoning VII
- Moon rune
- Mooncloak
- Moonglow
- Moonglow symbol
- Mordenkainen's celerity
- Mordenkainen's defense against lycanthropes
- Mordenkainen's defense against nonmagical reptiles and amphibians
- Mordenkainen's disjunction
- Mordenkainen's electric arc
- Mordenkainen's encompassing vision
- Mordenkainen's faithful hound
- Mordenkainen's faithful phantom defenders
- Mordenkainen's faithful phantom guardian
- Mordenkainen's faithful phantom shield maidens
- Mordenkainen's force missiles
- Mordenkainen's involuntary wizardry
- Mordenkainen's lucubration
- Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion
- Mordenkainen's penultimate cogitation
- Mordenkainen's private sanctum
- Mordenkainen's protection from avians
- Mordenkainen's protection from insects and arachnids
- Mordenkainen's protection from slime
- Mordenkainen's sword
- Morgannaver's sting
- Morphail's unholy blessing
- Motion
- Mount
- Mouse
- Move dune
- Move earth
- Move object
- Move sand
- Muirara's map
- Multi-lock
- Mummy creation
- Mummy touch
- Murdock's feathery flyer
- Murlynd's ogre
- Murlynd's void
- Murmuring masses
- Mycontil's last resort
- Mylsibis's arcane contention
- Mystic rope
- Mystic shield
- Mystic sphere
- Mystic writing
- Nahal's nonscensical nullifer
- Nahal's reckless dweomer
- Nature call
- Nautical ball lightning
- Nautical ironwood
- Nchaser's glowing globe
- Negate magical weapons
- Negative plane protection
- Nemicron's transference
- Nerve dance
- Net
- Net – hishna
- Net of stars
- Neutralize components
- Neutralize gas
- Neverending nightmares
- Night's jambiya
- Nightscar
- Nimodes' major delousing
- Nimodes' unseen butler
- Nondetection
- Normal aura
- Nulathoe's ninemen
- Numbness
- Nybor's gentle reminder
- Nybor's joyful voyage
- Nybor's mild admonishment
- Nybor's stern reproof
- Nybor's wrathful castigation
- Nystul's blacklight burst
- Nystul's blackmote
- Nystul's blazing beam
- Nystul's crystal dagger
- Nystul's crystal dirk
- Nystul's dancing werelight
- Nystul's enveloping darkness
- Nystul's expeditious fire extinguisher
- Nystul's flash
- Nystul's golden revelation
- Nystul's grue conjuration
- Nystul's lightburst
- Nystul's magic aura
- Nystul's radiant arch
- Nystul's radiant baton
- Oathbinding
- Obedience
- Obold's brightness
- Odeen's impenetrable lock
- Odeen's magic cloud
- Odeen's magic tailor
- Odeen's secret word
- Odeen's sounding stick
- Oilskin
- Omen
- One-way lock
- Ongeldyn's fist
- Open the living
- Othnal's spectral dagger
- Otiluke's acid cloud
- Otiluke's boiling oil bath
- Otiluke's bubbling buoyancy
- Otiluke's death screen
- Otiluke's diamond screen
- Otiluke's dispelling screen
- Otiluke's electrical screen
- Otiluke's excruciating screen
- Otiluke's fire and ice
- Otiluke's force umbrella
- Otiluke's freezing sphere
- Otiluke's orb ofcontainment
- Otiluke's polar screen
- Otiluke's radiant screen
- Otiluke's resilient sphere
- Otiluke's siege sphere
- Otiluke's smoky sphere
- Otiluke's steaming sphere
- Otiluke's telekinetic sphere
- Ottar's mask
- Otto's chime of release
- Otto's crystal rhythms
- Otto's drum's of despair
- Otto's gong of isolation
- Otto's irresistible dance
- Otto's silver tongue
- Otto's soothing vibrations
- Otto's sure-footed shuffle
- Otto's tin soldiers
- Otto's tonal attack
- Otto's tones of forgetfulness
- Otto's warding tones
- Ozone cloud
- Pacify
- Pain touch
- Paradox
- Paralyzation
- Paralyzing field
- Paralyzing pit
- Paralyzing touch
- Part sand
- Part water
- Passwall
- Passweb
- Past life
- Patternweave
- Permanency
- Permanent illusion
- Persistence
- Persona of death
- Pestilence
- Petrify wood
- Petrifying gaze
- Phantasmagoria
- Phantasmal force
- Phantasmal killer
- Phantom armor
- Phantom blade
- Phantom light
- Phantom steed
- Phantom wind
- Phase door
- Phase shift
- Phase trap
- Phezult's sleep of ages
- Physical invisibility
- Pierce any shield
- Pierce magic resistance
- Pilfer dweomer
- Pillar of sand
- Pit
- Plague
- Planar call
- Planar door
- Plant death
- Plant entrapment
- Plant growth
- Poison
- Poisonstar
- Polymorph any object
- Polymorph other
- Polymorph self
- Portrait
- Power word, banishment
- Power word, blind
- Power word, kill
- Power word, liquefy
- Power word, silence
- Power word, sleep
- Power word, stun
- Precipitation
- Precognitive sense
- Prepare enchantment
- Preservation
- Preserve
- Preserve dead
- Preserve from decay
- Preserve wood
- Presper's double wizardry
- Presper's moonbow
- Prestidigitation
- Prismal's handy mirror
- Prismal's pictograph
- Prismal's revenge
- Prismal's reversal
- Prismal's wormhole
- Prismatic eye
- Prismatic sphere
- Prismatic spray
- Prismatic wall
- Produce flame
- Programmed amnesia
- Programmed glamer
- Programmed illusion
- Project image
- Projected magnification
- Proof from teleportation
- Proofing versus combustion
- Prophecy
- Protection
- Protection from acid
- Protection from amorphs
- Protection from birds
- Protection from cantrips
- Protection from charm
- Protection from cold
- Protection from cold, 15' radius
- Protection from electricity
- Protection from electricity, 10' radius
- Protection from elementals, 10' radius
- Protection from evil
- Protection from evil, 10' radius
- Protection from fiends, 10' radius
- Protection from fire
- Protection from fire, 15' radius
- Protection from gas, 5' radius
- Protection from hunger and thirst
- Protection from illusions
- Protection from illusions, 10' radius
- Protection from lycanthropes, 10' radius
- Protection from magical blunt weapons
- Protection from magical edged weapons
- Protection from magical missiles
- Protection from magical traps
- Protection from mechanical traps
- Protection from normal blunt weapons
- Protection from normal edged weapons
- Protection from normal missiles
- Protection from notice
- Protection from paralysis
- Protection from petrification, 10' radius
- Protection from plants
- Protection from plants, 10' radius
- Protection from poison
- Protection from poison
- Protection from possession, 10' radius
- Protection from telekinesis
- Protection from the elements
- Protection from time
- Protection from traps, 5' radius
- Protection from undead, 5' radius
- Protection from vermin
- Protective amulet
- Prying eyes
- Pseudodragon
- Psionic dampener
- Psionic tracer
- Psychic drain
- Push
- Putrefaction
- Pyrotechnics
- Pyschic protection
- Pyschic reversal
- Quell
- Question ball
- Quimby's enchanting gourmet
- Rain of blood
- Rain of terror
- Rainbow pattern
- Rainbow shield
- Rainfire
- Ramael's cyclical light
- Random's commodious pocket
- Ranike cloud
- Rapid reflexive response
- Rary's aptitude appropriater
- Rary's empathic perception
- Rary's memory alteration
- Rary's mind scan
- Rary's mind shield
- Rary's mnemonic enhancer
- Rary's plane truth
- Rary's protection from scrying
- Rary's replay
- Rary's spell enhancer
- Rary's superior spell enhancer
- Rary's telepathic bond
- Rary's urgent utterance
- Rastor's mystical spy
- Ray of enfeeblement
- Ray of fatigue
- Ray of oblivion
- Ray of ondovir
- Ray of paralysis
- Raze
- Razorfangs
- Read illusionist magic
- Read magic
- Read object
- Reanimation
- Rebinding
- Recharge
- Reconnect
- Reconstruction
- Reflected image
- Reflection
- Reflection – witch
- Reflectorum arcana
- Regenerate self
- Reincarnation
- Rejuvenate
- Release weapon
- Remove curse
- Remove disease
- Remove life level
- Remove smell
- Repel undead
- Repulse metal
- Repulsion
- Resist injury
- Resist magic
- Resist turning
- Return to sand
- Reveal invisible
- Reveal magic
- Revelation
- Revelation of auras
- Revenance
- Reverse flow
- Reverse fossilization
- Reverse gravity
- Reverse missile
- Reverse teleport
- Ride the wind
- Ring of disintegration
- Ring of swords
- Ringweave
- Rip
- Rising colossus
- River of sand
- Rodbane
- Rope trick
- Ruby ray of reversal
- Run
- Run
- Ruornil's tracks
- Rusting grasp
- Rusting touch
- Sacremon's acid wit
- Safe fall
- Safeguarding
- Sand form
- Sand gems
- Sand healing
- Sand jambiya
- Sand seal
- Sand shadow
- Sand shroud
- Sand slumber
- Sand sword
- Sand tools
- Sand whisper
- Sand worm
- Sandcone
- Sands of time
- Sandspray
- Sandstorm
- Sandswallow
- Sargasso
- Sathrah's ingenious recollection
- Scalding spout
- Scalesnare
- Scapegoat
- Scare
- Scatterspray
- Scintillating sphere
- Screen
- Scrollsee
- Scry
- Sculpt features
- Sea sight
- Seal mouth
- Seal path
- Searing serpent
- Secret page
- Secret signs
- Secure
- Seduction I
- Seduction II
- Seduction III
- Seduction IV
- Seduction V
- Seduction VI
- Seduction VII
- Seduction VIII
- See hidden doors
- See through other eyes
- Seek
- Seek teleporter
- Seeking
- Seeming
- Seizure
- Semipermancy
- Sending
- Sense shifting
- Sense treason
- Sepia snake sigil
- Sequester
- Serpent missile
- Serrel's confining sphere
- Serrel's guardian
- Serrel's major enchantment
- Serrel's minor enchantment
- Serten's spell immunity
- Servant horde
- Seven-eyes
- Sever lifeline
- Shades
- Shadow blink
- Shadow bolt
- Shadow burst
- Shadow cloak
- Shadow dance
- Shadow door
- Shadow dragon
- Shadow form
- Shadow gauntlet
- Shadow hand
- Shadow head
- Shadow magic
- Shadow monsters
- Shadow play
- Shadow scry
- Shadow skeleton
- Shadow speak
- Shadow strike
- Shadow summoning
- Shadow walk
- Shadowcat
- Shadowshield
- Shadowsteal
- Shandaril's tracer
- Shape change
- Shark bolt
- Sharpen
- Sharptooth
- Shatter
- Shatterhull
- Shayn's infallible identification
- Shield
- Shield of winds
- Ship invisiblity
- Shipshock
- Shock
- Shock shield
- Shocking grasp
- Shoondal's seeking
- Shooting stars
- Shout
- Shroud of flame
- Sidhelion bow
- Sighing chain
- Signature sigil
- Silence 15' radius
- Silent alarm
- Simbul's skeletal deliquescence
- Simbul's spell sequencer
- Simbul's spell supremacy
- Simbul's spell trigger
- Simbul's synostodweomer
- Simulacrum
- Sinister cantrip
- Sinister surroundings
- Sink
- Sinuous horrors
- Skeletal bride
- Skeletal hand
- Skeletal hands
- Skull watch
- Skulltrap
- Skycastle
- Skyhook
- Skywrite
- Sleep
- Sleep of horror
- Sleepless curse
- Sleepwalking
- Slingstar
- Slow
- Slow metabolism
- Slow mutation
- Slowspell
- Slowspell, 10' radius
- Slumber
- Slumber
- Slumberward
- Smelting
- Smoke shape
- Smokescreen
- Smoky form
- Snapping teeth
- Snilloc's major missile
- Snilloc's snowball
- Snilloc's snowball swarm
- Solid fog
- Solidify air
- Solvent of corrosion
- Soothe the beast
- Sorcerous scribe
- Soul anchor
- Soul shift
- Sound bubble
- Spark shower
- Speak in tongues
- Speak with dead
- Spearflight
- Special effects
- Spectral ears
- Spectral eyes
- Spectral force
- Spectral guard
- Spectral hand
- Spectral voice
- Spectral wings
- Speed
- Speedmount
- Spell drain
- Spell engine
- Spell fangs
- Spell immunity
- Spell invulnerability
- Spell lash
- Spell mirror
- Spell reflection
- Spell sense
- Spell shape
- Spell shield
- Spell turning
- Spellcaster
- Spelldoor
- Spellstorm
- Spellstrike
- Spelltouch
- Spelltrap
- Spelltrap – paramander
- Spendelarde's chaser
- Sphere of eyes
- Sphere of ultimate destruction
- Sphere of wonder
- Spider climb
- Spider leap
- Spider shape
- Spider strand
- Spidercloak armor
- Spidereyes
- Spirit armor
- Spirit form
- Spirit self
- Spirit servant
- Spiritwrack
- Spoil holy water
- Spook
- Sprites