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Forgotten Realms Wiki

A wormluck was a specialty priest of the Church of Beshaba who strove to counter the luck of Tymora.[1]


Wormlucks were the harbingers of accidents and bad luck wherever they roamed, though they were just as much subject to Beshaba's illfortune as those around them.[1]


Wormlucks were fatalistic individuals who walked about with an air of gloom surrounding them. They believed all good luck was just one shoe out of a pair, and waited for the bad luck they knew was coming.[1]


Wormlucks could directly inflict a period of bad luck to anyone they chose. This ability could be used three times per week. The risk of using this ability was that there was a slight chance the wormluck would be the one to experience the bad luck instead of their chosen victim.[1]


A wormluck preferred a bright red robe worn on top of their armor. Regardless of their sex, all wormlucks wore white wigs in honor of Beshaba. The wormlucks were forced to wear wigs by Beshaba's other specialty priests, the doommasters, so that there would be no confusion between the two.[1]


