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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Wrath of the Blue Bear was one of the enchanted Uthgardt burial totems from the Stone Stand.[1]


The Wrath of the Blue Bear was a small, oddly shaped statuette carved out of blue-gray stone to resemble the Blue Bear tribe's totem beast rearing on its hind legs.[1]


This particular Uthgardt burial totem allowed the owner to cast the animate dead spell once per day.[1]


The Blue Bear tribe's burial totems were believed to be enchanted by the tribe's leader and shaman, Tanta Hagara, sometime before her death in 1369 DR. Sages said that the totems could summon long-dead Blue Bear tribe warriors to defend the hidden ancestral treasures underneath the Stone Stand. Rumors of a curse or the wrath of the Blue Bear spirit prevented unwitting adventurers from stealing things from the burial mounds.[1]

Sometime before 1372 DR, when most believed the Blue Bear tribe to be extinct, the Wrath of the Blue Bear was stolen from the Stone Stand and found its way to the Sword Coast. It moved through the hands of several collectors. The totem's last owner was Vladmyr, a shady curio trader from Daggerford. He tasked the Hero of Daggerford with tracking down and recovering several pieces for his collection. These items were lost while transported in an unsecured trading wagon through an especially bumpy patch of the Trade Way. After falling out of the wagon they were swept away from the road by a rainstorm. The Wrath of the Blue Bear was found by some unfortunate person who met his doom at the fangs of dire spiders and ettercaps within the Brush of Barbs. Some believed that surviving members of the Blue Bear tribe sought the item in order to return it to its rightful place.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

