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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Baroness Wynne Cromm was a commander in the Lizard Marsh in the late 15th century DR.[1]


Wynne ruled over Cromm's Hold, a keep that watched over the Marsh in order to detect all signs of lizardfolk activities.[1] She was considered to be a a harsh and strict leader, who was respected and somewhat feared.[2]


Wynne arrived in Cromm's Hold around 1465 DR and spent five years rebuilding her family's hold, which had fallen into disrepair.[2]

Around 1485 DR, the Red Wizard of Thay Arvik Zaltos manipulated the black dragon Thoss Fyurnen to extort the water altar in Cromm's Hold from Wynne, who agreed to give the dragon the altar in exchange for her soldiers' lives.[2]

In the late 1480s or early 1490s DR, Wynne conspired with the succubus Pencheska to capture the Duchess of Daggerford, Morwen Daggerford.[1]



